
  • 网络Label Printing
  1. 根据LM的滚动调查,其他需求驱动包括了改善实时控制,库存调配,标签印刷以及劳动管理等方面。

    Other drivers , according to the LM survey , include the need for improved real-time control , inventory deployment , label printing , and labor management .

  2. 可变信息标签印刷和加工

    Variable Data Label Printing & Post - press

  3. 标签印刷全球最新发展动态

    Developing of Label Printing In The World

  4. 标签印刷技术与设备

    Label print : technology and equipment

  5. 不干胶标签印刷的探讨

    Discussion on Printing of Self-adhesive Label

  6. 通过弯折偶极子和镜像补偿结构,使标签印刷偶极子天线实现了小型化与双频特性。

    Through the bending technology and the structure of the mirror compensation , the antenna can achieve miniaturization and wide bandwidth characteristics . 4 .

  7. 标签印刷具有印前设计特殊和印后加工复杂的特点,与传统书刊印刷在工艺编排上有明显区别。

    With special prepress and complicated finishing operations , label printing has a notable distinction with traditional publication printing in the process of production workflow .

  8. 打印式印刷机:凸版印刷机器,它采用打印的动作压印。主要作标签印刷。

    Stamping machine : Relief printing machine which uses a stamping action to make an impression . It is mainly for the printing of labels .

  9. 公司主要从事票证印刷、数据处理与数字印刷服务、不干胶标签印刷、彩色印刷、智能卡生产等业务。

    It is engaged in tickets and certificates printing , data processing , digital printing , sticker labels printing , multicolor printing , intelligent cards producing .

  10. 传统的以维持和恢复设备额定状态的维修管理,已无法适应现代标签印刷企业快速发展的需要。

    The traditional maintenance management that maintains and restores the equipment rated state , has been unable to meet the developing of the modern label printing enterprise .

  11. 列举出标签印刷在印前工作流程中应注意的事项,包括承印物和油墨的选择、陷印操作、拼版特点等。

    The things that should be noted in prepress of label printing are listed , including the selection of printing stock and ink , trapping operation , and the characteristic of imposition .

  12. 使其广泛用于电子,服装,食品,日化,玩具,文具,超市,陶瓷等行业的标签印刷。

    Our products are widely applied in label printing in such lines of business as electronics , clothing , food , daily-used chemicals , toys , stationary , supermarket and ceramics , etc.

  13. 基于神经网络的RFID标签天线印刷品质的优化研究

    Optimized Research on Print Quality of RFID Label Antenna Based on Neural Network Model

  14. 射频电子标签天线设计及印刷工艺分析

    Design of 13.56 MHz RFID Tag Antenna and Analysis of Fabrication by Screen Printing

  15. 这条形码标签的设计和印刷的应用是一个自由的,全功能,高品质,而且易于使用。

    This barcode label design and printing application is a free , fully functional , high quality and easy to use .

  16. 对羽毛球标签进行分类归纳总结,包括等级、厂名、飞行轨迹、型号、图案等内容的分类;并初步研究了标签表面印刷体的字符识别,分析一些OCR无法识别字符的原因。

    For the badminton labels classified summarized , including level , factory name the flight path , the model , and design of the classification ; and research the label of the character recognition block surface , analyzes some OCR could not identify the cause of the characters . 3 .