
  • 网络scalar potential;X,t;RSP
  1. 空间磁场边值问题&一种新标量势的有限元法讨论

    Numerical Analysis of Three - Dimensional Magnetic Field ── A Finite Element Method of Using a Scalar Potential

  2. 考虑电磁材料非线性及漏磁因素的影响,采用微分标量势法(DSP)对旅客列车电空制动系统中EP电磁阀三维静态性能进行仿真分析。

    The nonlinear of the electro-magnetic material and flux leakage were considered , and the differential scalar potential strategy ( DSP strategy ) was adopted in this paper .

  3. 用严格的分波方法求解含有标量势和矢量势的Dirac方程。

    The Dirac equation with scaler and vector potentials is solved by exact partial wave method .

  4. 本文研究了具有线性谐振子型势的Klein-Gordon方程的束缚态,给出了束缚态存在的条件是标量势大于或等于矢量势。

    In this paper , bound states of Klein-Gordon equation with linear harmonic oscillator tyPe potential are studied .

  5. 在能量低于300MeV的能区中讨论了含有罗仑兹不变性的相对论性光学势.并用严格的分波方法求解含有标量势和矢量势的Dirac方程。

    The Lorentz invariant relativistic optical potential have been discussed at energies below 300 MeV . The Dirac equation with scalar and vector potential is solved by exact partial wave method .

  6. 对于后者,在矢量势和标量势相等的情况下,我们给出了其Klein-Gordon方程和Dirac方程的s波束缚态解。

    For the later , the s-wave bound solutions of both Dirac equation and Klein-Gordon equation are given when the scalar potential is equal to the vector potential .

  7. 用分离变量方法讨论了在环形非球谐振子标量势和矢量势相等条件下的KleinGordon方程的束缚态解。

    By using the ordinary method of variable separation , the bound states of Klein Gordon equation of the ring shaped non spherical harmonic oscillator with equal scalar and vector potentials are solved .

  8. 在标量势等于矢量势的条件下,获得了库仑势加新环形势的KleinGordon方程和Dirac方程的束缚态的精确解。

    The exact solutions of bound states of Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation with Coulomb potential plus a new ring-shaped potentials are studied on the assumption that the scalar potential is equal to the vector potential .

  9. 给出了具有tan2(πηr)型标量势和矢量势的KleinGordon方程和Dirac方程的s波束缚态解,并与无限深球方势阱的情况进行了比较。

    The s wave bound states of Klein Gordon equation and Dirac equation with scalar and vector tan 2 (π η r ) type potentials are obtained , and are compared with that of infinite deep spherical type potential well .

  10. 给出了具有Manning-Rosen型标量势与矢量势的Klein-Gordon方程和Dirac方程的束缚态解,其解可用超几何函数表示。

    The s-wave bound states of the Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation with equal Manning-Rosen scalar and vector potentials are obtained , and the solutions are expressed by the hypergeometric function .

  11. 从常数标量势讨论惯性的本质

    To Discuss the Essence of Inertia from Constant Scalar Potential

  12. 对于一般的谐和函数给出了度规函数Γ、引力势和标量势的明晰的形式。

    By considering a general harmonic , metric function Γ , gravitational and scalar potentials are explicitly given .

  13. 引入了常数标量势的概念,揭示了引力场中加速度的成因,导出了若干公式,统一了引力和惯性力,并将理论与广义相对论的结果作了比较。

    With the quotation of the concept of the constant scalar potential , the author explained the cause of the acceleration in gravity field , reckoned some formulas , unified the gravity and the inertia force , then compared the theory with the general relativity .

  14. 本文指出了核磁共振成象仪中,梯度方向与磁场方向的区别,给出了梯度磁场中的磁力线方程,标量磁势函数和计算它的方法。

    This article points out the difference between the direction of gradient and the direction of magnetic field in the MRI system , gives the equations of the magnetic lines in the gradient magnetic field and the scalar magnetic potential function , and describes the method of computing it .

  15. 电磁学中的双向标量关于磁标势法的讨论

    Tow-way scalar of electromagnetics