
  1. 计算了有限元模型的静力场,在此基础上,采用二维弹塑性动力有限元方法进行列车振动响应分析,计算中围岩材料采用D-P模型。

    Use the finite element model to calculate the static field , on this basis , the use of two-dimensional elastic-plastic dynamic finite element method analysis of vibration response of the train , the calculation of rock material using DP model .

  2. 根据下限定理,构造了满足完全平衡条件、边界条件和屈服条件的静力许可场;

    The block-structural plane model is used for constructing the statically admissible stress fields which satisfy the equilibrium conditions , boundary conditions and yield criteria .

  3. 将条分法归结为一个静力许可场中的大规模极值问题,然后应用改进的模拟退火算法求解,结果表明收敛性良好。

    The slice method is reduced into a large-scale extremum problem in static permission field , and the results of the extremum problem solved by the improved annealing simulation algorithm show that the convergence of solution is very good .

  4. 再次,在静力分析和热场分析的基础上,对新型成型模具进行了热-力耦合分析。

    Thirdly , thermo-mechanical analysis of the new mould is carried out based on the static analysis and thermal field analysis .

  5. 在大步长情况下,在收敛域内最大载荷低于结构真实的极限承载力;对应的应力场是一个静力容许应力场;

    When large load steps are used , the maximum load applied is lower than limit load in structure , the calculated stress field is an static admissible one .

  6. 第三章在极限分析下限定理的基础上,运用有限单元法建立静力许可应力场,并构建三维有限元塑性极限分析数学规划模型;

    In the third chapter , the statically admissible stress field is found by finite element method ( FEM ) . The 3-D finite element plastic limit analysis mathematical model is established on the basis of the lower bound principles of limit analysis .

  7. 在下限法中,考虑平衡条件、应力边界条件、屈服条件以及应力间断条件,求得了超载系数和强度储备系数的下限值及相应的静力容许应力场。

    In the approach of determining the lower bound , the conditions of equilibrium , stress boundary , yielding and stress discontinuity are considered , and the overload factor and strength safety coefficient of the gravity dam as well as the corresponding statistical permissible stress field also can be obtained .