
  1. HY型步履式全液压静力压桩机

    Model HY Full Hydraulic Static Walking Pile Driver

  2. 为使静力压桩机在工作过程中能够实现实时自动保持机身水平与水平升降,设计了一种基于PLC的压桩机电液自动调平系统。

    To achieve real time automatic levelling and vertical rise up and fall down of the static pile driver ′ s case , an electro hydraulic levelling system is designed for the static pile driver based on PLC .

  3. 准恒功率设计方法在液压静力压桩机中的应用

    Application of quasi constant power design method in hydrostatic pile driver

  4. 液压静力压桩机夹桩箱的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Pile Clamping Box of Hydraulic Static Pile Driver

  5. 液压静力压桩机多点均压式夹桩机构的设计与研究

    Research and design on multipoint and iso-pressing pile holder mechanism

  6. 静力压桩机调平倾角动态数字显示系统的设计

    Design of a Dynamic Numerical Display System for Leveling Angle of Static Pile Driver

  7. 静力压桩机压桩垂直度监测仪的设计

    The design and optimization of vertical degree monitoring system for hydraulic static pile driver

  8. 液压静力压桩机的技术及发展

    The Technology and Development of Hydrostatical Pile-drivers

  9. 基于神经网络的静力压桩机的液压同步控制系统

    Hydraulic Pressure Synchronization Control System Based on Neural Network of the Static Pile Pressing-in Machine

  10. 双模具翻转抛光液压机液压静力压桩机夹桩机构的有限元分析

    Double-die-turning finishing hydraulic press Pile clamping mechanism of hydraulic static pile driver based on ANSYS

  11. 抱压式静力压桩机立柱平行度容许偏差计算

    Design and calculation of allowed column parallelism tolerance for static pile pressing machine with cramp pressing type

  12. 试验结果表明,液压静力压桩机吊机过载保护系统可以较好地解决吊机施工过程中可能出现的过载问题。

    The test shows that the overload protection system can solve the overload problem of the pile driver satisfactorily in the construction .

  13. 静力压桩机吊机在施工过程中可能因超载而导致吊臂损坏,甚至折断。

    The crane arm of the hydraulic static pile driving machine can be damaged or even broken while working because of overloading .

  14. 目前,沉桩设备主要有三种:冲击锤、振动桩锤和静力压桩机。

    Currently , there are three main categories of pile-driving equipment : impact hammers , vibratory pile drivers , and hydrostatic pile drivers .

  15. 静力压桩机以其压桩速度高,噪音低等特点成为城市桩工基础施工的主要设备。

    The static pile driver has occupied most of the pile market because of its highly efficient piling speed , low noise and so on .

  16. 液压静力压桩机作为一种新兴的基础施工设备,以其卓越的性能、突出的优点获得了广泛的应用。

    Hydraulic Static Pile Pressing-in Driver is one type of arisen basic construction equipments . It gains broad applications because of the prominent capability and advantage .

  17. 本文针对静力压桩机调平困难的问题,提出了一种采用电液比例控制技术设计的压桩机的机身自动调平系统。

    This Paper Puts forward an automatic level coned system of static pile driver 's body by using electro-hydraulic proportional technique to solve the difficult level control problem .

  18. 本文针对这一实际工程问题在静力压桩机吊机过载机理分析的基础上,通过方案的比较论证,首创性地提出了液压静力压桩机吊机过载保护问题的全液压解决方案。

    The problem of crane overload protection of the hydraulic static pile driving machine is originally solved by a full hydraulic project through comparison and demonstration in advance in this paper .

  19. 在基桩施工设备中,液压静力压桩机具有噪声低、振动小、无污染等突出优点,凭借其自身卓越的性能获得了广泛的应用。

    Among the equipment of pile construction , hydraulic static pile driver has its prominent advantages such as low noise , small vibration and non-pollution . Therefore , it is widely used .

  20. 液压静力压桩机是一种大型桩基础施工设备,其工作可靠性问题十分重要,由于其各影响因素之间存在灰色模糊特征,传统评价方法很难对其进行正确的评价。

    Hydraulic pressure static force pile driver is large construction equipment , and its reliability is very important . The traditional evaluation methods are difficult to make proper evaluations due to its affecting factors with fuzzy and grey characters .

  21. 利用模糊灰色理论,构建了基于模糊灰色理论静力压桩机工作评价可靠性模型,经过试验研究证明,利用该方法对静力压桩机进行评价,其评价精度、可靠性较传统方法显著提高。

    A fuzzy-gray-theory based model to evaluate operation reliability of hydrostatic pile press is established with fuzzy gray theory . Test and research show that accuracy and credibility of the evaluation are significantly increased with the method compared to conventional method .

  22. 静态特性与动态特性计算机数字仿真和实验研究的结果表明,静力压桩机吊机过载保护系统的研究设计是有效的、可行的,能够较好地解决液压静力压桩机吊机过载保护问题。

    The result of computer digital emulation and experimentation about static and dynamic peculiarity shows that the study and design of the crane overload protection system of the hydraulic static pile driving machine is effective and workable . And it can solve the problem of the crane overloading successfully .