
  • 网络static input-output model
  1. 追溯了静态投入产出模型,提出了基于多部门多时段的以效用最大化为目标的动态循环经济系统分析模型,并将生产部门和循环部门有效的结合起来;

    Static Input-output model is reviewed ; By integrating production sectors and recycle sectors , dynamical circular economy models based on multi-sector , multi-period and maximal economical utility are put forward .

  2. 静态非线性投入产出模型解的存在性研究

    Study of existence of solution to static non linear input output model

  3. 论文的第二部分较为详细地介绍了投入产出理论,包括投入产出法定义、静态产品投入产出模型、产品投入产出模型的应用和地区投入产出模型,该部分内容为后续部分提供理论依据。

    Second , the thesis introduces the theory of input-output , including its definition ; static product model ; its application and regional model .

  4. 在假定直接消耗系数是关于部门总产品的多项式函数的条件下,利用不动点理论求得在一定条件下,静态非线性投入产出模型的解的范围。

    Under the assumption that the direct consumption coefficients are polynomial function about the sector 's total output , we get the range of solution of the static nonlinear input-output model under the certain conditions using the fixed point theory .

  5. 利用不动点理论给出了静态非线性投入产出模型解的存在性及唯一性的更为宽松的条件,它只要求直接消耗系数阵中的元素或单增或单减;

    A mild condition for the existence and uniqueness of the solution of static non linear input output model is presented by employing the fixed point theory . It is only required that the element of the direct input coefficient matrix should be mono increasing or mono decreasing .

  6. 基于教育经济投入占用产出表建立了用于分析人力资本培养和分配以及与其他部门的联系的静态和动态投入占用产出模型。

    Input-occupancy-output models about human capital production and allocation and its relationship with other sectors are built , including static and dynamic models .