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  • paint still life
  1. 描绘一个皱巴巴的红色空塑料袋的小幅帆布画以及世棒午餐肉(Spam)静物写生;

    small canvases of an empty , wrinkled red plastic bag and a still life with Spam ;

  2. 去年11月,他令人震惊地豪掷6180万美元买下梵高(VanGogh)的一幅静物写生。

    he paid an eye-popping $ 61.8 million for a Van Gogh still life at Sotheby 's in November .

  3. 色彩静物写生中的问题分析及对策

    The Problematical Analysis on Still Life Color Painting Sketch and the Countermeasures

  4. 脱离躯干的肢体通常作为静物写生的对象。

    Disembodied limbs were often posed in literal still lives .

  5. 作为一种艺术形式,这个收藏被放在静物写生和探测之间。

    As an art form it lies somewhere between still-life painting and plumbing .

  6. 艺术设计专业的色彩静物写生技法

    Still-life Painting Techniques of Artistic Design Programme

  7. 水粉静物写生教学刍议

    On Teaching Gouache of Still Life

  8. 色彩静物写生训练&从美术高考谈静物色彩教学

    Training in Color Still-life Painting-A Discussion on Color Still-life Teaching in Terms of the Art College Entrance Exam

  9. 近几年考试的形式基本是在静物写生与默写中交替进行。

    In recent years the test form basic is carries on alternately in the still life sketch with writing down from memory .

  10. 有几张是风景,剩下这些是我在摄影室拍的静物写生。

    A few of them are landscapes , and the rest of them are still-life studies that I took in my studio .

  11. 色彩静物写生是美术基础教学的重要组成部分,是提高色彩画技能和水平的重要途径。

    The color still life painting is the important composition part in the artistic basic teaching , it is the important channel to improve the color painting skills and level .

  12. 静物写生,是一种认识和理解基本构图、造型、色彩等规律的有效方法,是专业基础训练中不可缺少的学习手段。

    The still life painting is an effective way of understanding the basic law of composition , modeling and color , etc. It is also an unavoidable method of expert-based training .

  13. 美术教育专业基础素描教学研究&静物·石膏像写生

    On the teaching of basic sketches in the arts education specialty