
  • 网络perfect music
  1. 但即使在这么多的研究之后,完美音乐组合的制作仍然不固定,因为口味一直在改变。

    But even after all the studies , the makings of the perfect music mix remain fluid , as tastes change .

  2. 歌曲旋律与钢琴伴奏结合完美,音乐形象鲜明;

    The melody with piano accompaniment is perfect and the musical image is distinctive ;

  3. 肖邦在夜曲中创造了完美的音乐语言、曲式结构、和声及调性手法。

    Chopin created consummate musician language , form structure , harmony and tonal technique in his nocturnes .

  4. 完美的音乐能陶冶人的情操,丰富人的情感,完善听众的人格。

    The perfect music can influence person 's sentiment , enrich person 's emotion and perfect audience 's personality .

  5. 28是贝多芬最钟爱的一首乐曲,他第一次在各乐章中采用了统一的主题素材,凭借近乎完美的音乐技巧,确立了自己的中期风格,表现出苍劲有力的世界。

    It is the first time that Beethoven has used the unified subject source material in various music movements and established his own intermediate stage attitude , and also has displayed the mature and powerful world .

  6. 加强伴奏者对伴奏工作的重视,使之真正成为名副其实的钢琴伴奏艺术。使中国艺术歌曲的钢琴伴奏也能够与旋律一起刻画出完美的音乐形象。

    Accompanist work to strengthen the importance of the accompaniment to make it truly become a true " art piano accompaniment . " Of the Chinese art songs with piano accompaniment and melody together can also portray the image of the perfect music .

  7. 夜深了,我在为音乐会做准备,期待展现最完美的二胡音乐。

    I am working hard after midnight for my concert . I am looking forward to present the perfect Erhu music .

  8. 他在绘画中始终把注意力集中在画面的黑白布局以及线条所组织的画面节奏关系,创造出完美的视觉音乐作品。

    In his paintings , he always emphasizes the arrangement of black and white lines and tempo formed by those lines to form a visual music art form .

  9. 高畑勋的动画电影在影像上尊重现实时空,通常采用固定机位观测和长镜头的纪实风格拍摄手法,以及与主题完美配合的音乐。

    The animation of Isao Takahata respects the real space and time , using realistic filming techniques of fixing the position of the camera and taking long shots , chooses the appropriate music matching to the film theme .

  10. 他把民族性、时代感和对音乐的追求完美融入到音乐创作当中,使他的作品有了属于自己的特有风格。安国敏创作了大量不同形式的音乐作品,其中交响音乐占有十分重要的地位。

    He put the nationality 、 the sense of the times and their own pursuit of music into its own symphonic music perfectly , a large number of different forms of music works created by him , especially the symphonic music occupies a very important position .

  11. 阿美:这是一场完美的演出,配有完美的灯光和音乐。

    May : And it 's been such a faultless perfomp3ance with the perfect lighting , and music .