
  • 网络Hawaiian shirt;aloha shirt
  1. 是的,我想找件夏威夷衬衫。

    Yes , I am looking for an aloha shirt .

  2. 45岁的公司经理LeeJoo-heung身穿一件黄色的夏威夷衬衫,最近参加了一次课程,是因为想要反省过去,并为死亡做好准备。

    Lee Joo-heung , a 45-year-old company manager in a yellow Hawaiian shirt , attended a recent course because he wanted to reflect on his past and prepare for his death .

  3. 你唯一能拥有的就是那件夸张的夏威夷衬衫。

    The only thing that you own is that crazy hawallan shirt .

  4. 还指望别人不注意你的夏威夷衬衫?

    and a Hawaiian shirt and expect them not to notice you ?

  5. 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。

    A jazzy Hawaiian shirt .

  6. 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。婚纱是以香槟色薄纱制成,轻盈且精巧。

    A jazzy Hawaiian shirt . The veil is champagne colour silk tulle , extremely light and fine .

  7. 如果你真想那样,为什么不干脆穿上夏威夷衬衫和滑板裤啊。

    If you want to do that , why don 't you just wear this Hawaiian shirt and these board-shorts .

  8. “我只是不能想象我自己,你知道,(戴着)大草帽(穿着)夏威夷衬衫坐在某处沙滩上。”他说到。

    " I just can 't envision myself , you know , the big straw hat and a Hawaiian shirt sitting on some beach ," he said .

  9. 布什身穿红白相间的夏威夷式衬衫出现在宴会上。

    He showed up in a red-and-white Hawaiian shirt .

  10. 第二他在夏威夷才穿夏威夷衬衫

    Two , he wears Hawaiian shirts in Hawaii .