
  • 网络Sharma;Anand Sharma;Ruchir Sharma;Shire horse;Deven Sharma
  1. 路透社(Reuters)在其评论中报道称,印度石油天然气公司总裁R•S•夏尔马(R.S.Sharma)表示,这家印度国有企业将与中国公司展开合作,寻求在更多海外石油资产中持有股权。

    R.S. Sharma , president of ONGC , says the state - controlled company is looking for stakes in many more overseas oil assets in collaboration with Chinese firms , in comments reported by Reuters .

  2. 记者联系不上阿里巴巴请其置评,而Paytm创始人维贾伊•谢卡尔•夏尔马(VijayShekharSharma)不愿讨论他的融资计划。

    Alibaba could not be reached for comment , while Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma declined to discuss his fundraising plans .

  3. 印度商业和工业部长阿南德.夏尔马(AnandSharma)称这个决定是一个“突破”,他说,各国一致认为有必要达成新的全球贸易协议。

    Indian Trade Minister Anand Sharma called it a " breakthrough ," and said there was a unanimous affirmation of the need to clinch a new trade deal .

  4. 做实验时,夏尔马用的是蜡烛燃烧产生的废气。

    In his demo , Sharma uses the flame of a candle .

  5. 派在电影中是由苏拉•夏尔马扮演,本图。

    Pi is played in the film by Suraj Sharma , pictured here .

  6. 夏尔马随后在这瓶可乐里发现了泥土和其它沉淀物,而在另一瓶还未开启的可乐里发现了避孕套。

    He found the condom in the other unopened bottle , PTI reported .

  7. 夏尔马承认墨水还可以更黑。

    Sharma admits the black could still be blacker .

  8. 夏尔马至少两年前就发出这一警告了,远在有关债务的担忧四处弥漫开之前。

    Sharma was sounding this warning at least two years ago , well before such fears became fashionable .

  9. 夏尔马(2005)发现类似经营业绩的改善和联系卓越的财务表现。

    Sharma ( 2005 ) identified similar improvements in operating performance and linked this to superior financial performance .

  10. 夏尔马估计一个使用了四年的柴油内燃机60分钟内产生的炭能填满一个惠普墨盒。

    Sharma estimates a 4-year-old diesel engine could produce enough carbon to fill an HP cartridge within 60 minutes .

  11. 将来,夏尔马希望能将这个设置商业化,希望世界上的每家每户都能使用它。

    One day , Sharma hopes to commercialize the device so it can live in every home around the world .

  12. 正如夏尔马对印度洋葱价格的洞见所显示的那样,他的工作丝毫不涉及高深的理论,也丝毫不抽象。

    As Sharma 's insights into Indian onion prices suggest , there is nothing theoretical or abstract about his work .

  13. 家庭医生夏尔马建议这家人把古玛带去阿姆利则人民医院,给专业的儿科医生看看,但是古玛的父母却没有钱。

    The family 's doctor , Sharma , recommended that they take Kumar to a specialized pediatrician at the Civil Hospital in Amritsar but the parents lack funds .

  14. 夏尔马希望他的手持装置再大点,能用到主流炭捕集系统上:比如捕集空气中隐藏的炭的巨型风扇墙。

    Sharma hopes that his handheld device could scale to a size that sits on par with leading carbon-capture systems : huge walls of fans that trap carbon lurking in the air .

  15. 夏尔马最近发明了一种名叫“Kaala”的装置,它能吞掉有害污染物并迅速将其变成有用物质,只需加点酒精和油,就能生成黑色打印机墨水。

    Sharma recently invented " Kaala , " a device that can gobble up harmful pollutants and instantly repurpose them , with a little help from alcohol and oil , into black printer ink .

  16. 印度的表现也不是特别好,主要是因为它在夏尔马提出的第四个标准中评分很低,这个标准是政府在多大程度上干预经济。

    India also doesn 't fare particularly well , primarily because of its low rating on Sharma 's fourth metric , which looks at how heavy a hand the government places on the economy .

  17. 他对很多法国作家产生了很大影响,比如诗人夏尔?波德莱尔和马拉美。

    He had a great influence on many French writers , including the poets charles-pierre Baudelaire and Stephane mallarme .