
  • 网络CRB
  1. 即便在最近价格出现回落之后,路透商品研究局指数(CRB)仍较2009年低点高出约72%,较自2006年以来的平均水平高出14%。

    Even after the recent sell-off , the CRB commodity futures index remains about 72 per cent above its 2009 lows and 14 per cent higher than its average since 2006 .

  2. 领先的路透/杰弗里商品研究局指数(Reuters/JefferiesCRB)显示,大宗商品价格本月累计上涨14%,为1974年7月以来最大月度涨幅。

    Commodities ended the month up 14 per cent , the biggest monthly jump since July 1974 , according to the leading Reuters / Jefferies CRB index .