
  1. 评价彩色多普勒超声与X-线尿路平片和静脉尿路造影(IVP)在输尿管小结石诊断中的临床价值。

    To evaluate the clinic value of multicolor Doppler ultrasound and X-ray of KUB and intravenous pyelography ( IVP ) in the diagnosis of small ureteral calculus .

  2. 68例随访1~3年,经复查尿路平片(KUB)及静脉肾盂造影(IVP),无1例有残留结石,26例轻度肾积水消失,42例中重度肾积水有不同程度改善。

    In 68 cases follow-up of 1 ~ 3 years was made and in no case residual stones were found on KUB and IVP . In 26 cases mild hydronephrosis disappeared and severe hydronephrosis in 42 cases improved .