
  • 网络Road damage;PCI
  1. 最后采用模糊数学方法建立柔性路面损坏状况综合评价Fuzzy模型。

    Finally , the author presents a fuzzy mathematics model for comprehensively evaluating the condition of flexible pavement distress .

  2. 柔性路面损坏状况综合评价AHP-Fuzzy方法

    The AHP-Fuzzy Method of Comprehensively Evaluating the Condition of Flexible Pavement Distress

  3. 根据公路养护工作的实际需要,对系统的功能进行具体的设计,并阐述了图像显示、图像放大和恢复以及路面损坏范围确定和多边形面积计算等主要关键技术的VB实现过程。

    According to the actual requirement of highway maintenance , the paper designs the idiographic system functions and expounds the realization process by Visual Basic , including such key technologies as image display , image enlargement and restoration , confirmation of scope of pavement dilapidation and calculation of polygon area .

  4. 该文分析了沥青路面损坏原因以及路面养护材料的现状,介绍了JBS-C渗透型沥青路面养护防水涂料的生产、机理、工艺和应用。

    The paper analyzes the cause of bituminous pavement damage and the present situation of pavement maintenance material . It also introduces the production , machinery , process and application of JBS-C permeable bituminous pavement maintenance water-proof coating .

  5. 车辙等流动变形是国际上最为常见的沥青路面损坏现象。

    Rut deformation is the most common asphalt pavement damage phenomenon .

  6. 沥青路面损坏及再生养护材料的研究应用

    Study and Application of Bituminous Pavement Damage and Regenerative Maintenance Materials

  7. 海文高速公路路面损坏原因分析及修复方案

    Analysis of Reasons of Pavement Damage on Haikou-Wenchang Expressway and Repair Solution

  8. 水泥混凝土路面损坏状况的模糊综合评价

    The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for cement concrete pavement fault station

  9. 水泥混凝土路面损坏的主要原因分析

    Analysis on the cause of damage in cement concrete pavement

  10. 安徽省部分水泥混凝土路面损坏原因分析

    Analysis on the damage of cement concrete pavement in Anhui

  11. 车轮制动对半刚性路面损坏的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Vehicle Braking Effect on Pavement Damage

  12. 城市道路沥青路面损坏的调查及分析

    Investigation & Analysis on Damage of Urban Road Asphalt Pavement

  13. 天津地区沥青路面损坏分析及预防措施研究

    Analysis of Damage and Research of Preventive Measures about Asphalt Pavement in Tianjin

  14. 重交通沥青路面损坏分析

    Analysis on the Damages of the Heavy-traffic Asphalt Road-surface

  15. 柔性路面损坏原因的分析与对策

    Analyzed and countermeasure for breakage reason on flexibility pavement

  16. 水泥砼路面损坏原因分析及修补材料的选择

    Destruction Reason Analysis for Cement Concrete Pavement and the Choice of Rehab Materials

  17. 浅谈水泥混凝土路面损坏的早期预防

    Talking about the Early Prevention of the Damages of the Cement Concrete Road Surface

  18. 重载水泥混凝土路面损坏机理及对策研究

    Study on Mechanism of Cement Concrete Pavement Damage of Heavy-Duty Traffic Road and Countermeasures

  19. 文章阐述了一种路面损坏状况的自动图像识别方法。

    In this paper , a digital image recognition method of pavement distress was described .

  20. 改扩建公路沥青混凝土路面损坏特性与预防

    Main destroy characteristic analysis and prevention measures of rebuilding and extension highway asphalt concrete pavement

  21. 水泥混凝土路面损坏评价方法

    Distress Condition Evaluation for Concrete Pavements

  22. 文章介绍水泥混凝土路面损坏后的改造方法,主要有加铺沥青层和采用钢纤维混凝土修补等。

    As far as the rebuilding of damaged cement concrete are covering with bituminous layer and using steel fiber concrete .

  23. 路面损坏的修复是公路养护工程的重点之一,从分析路面的主要损坏原因及形式入手,探讨养护机具的选型和配置是十分重要的。

    From analyzing the main cause and shapes of road damage , the paper discussed the choice and distribution of maintenance machinery .

  24. 大量工程实践表明,很多由基层引起的路面损坏并非基层的承载力不足,而是由其他的原因所致。其中半刚性材料抗冲刷能力的不足是加速水泥混凝土路面破坏的重要因素之一。

    Practice shows that the insufficient anti-erosion capacity of Semi-rigid base material accelerated road damage is one of the most important factors .

  25. 对路面损坏与沥青品种、路面结构组成、基层情况、施工等的关系,提出了一些新的观点及建议;

    Some new view points and suggestions on the relationships between the deterioration and asphalt type , pavement component , base course , construction and etc.

  26. 因此,车辆轮载的动态测量和定量分析对汽车动力学性能和道路路面损坏机理研究具有重要的理论和工程意义。

    Therefore dynamic measurement and quantitative analysis of vehicle loads have important significance in theory and engineering for research of vehicle dynamics performance and pavement damage mechanism .

  27. 北方寒冷地区路面损坏主要是由于冻胀等因素引起的,这种基层可以减小水分的冻胀作用,增加路面使用寿命。

    In north cold area pavement is usually distressed because of heave factor , and the base may reduce water heave function and increase pavement service life .

  28. 柔性路面损坏状况评价是柔性路面管理系统的重要部分,是公路养护管理部门养护管理决策的重要依据。

    The evaluation of the condition of flexible pavement distress is an important part of pavement management system , by which the strategies of flexible pavement maintenance are made .

  29. 其中车辙与开裂、水损坏相比,危害性最大,直接威胁交通安全,车辙已成为最主要的沥青路面损坏现象。

    Compared with crack and water damage , rut does the most serious harm to the pavement , which has become into the most important damage in asphaltic pavement .

  30. 但是随着交通量的增加和路面损坏的加速,使得半刚性路面结构的路面维修费用急剧增加,对交通的影响也日益突出。

    The pavement damage accelerates with the increase of traffic , which leads to the pavement maintenance costs dramatically increase and the influence to the traffic has become more obviously .