
  • 网络Lure;bass
  1. 约翰.阿尔内.里瑟补上了这个位置,还有艾比路亚在另一边取代了芬南

    Jon Arne Riise has stepped back in there , with Arbeloa deposing Finnan on the opposite side .

  2. 弟兄姊妹们,阿利路亚,赞美主!

    Dear Brothers and Sisters , Hallelujah ! Praise the Lord !

  3. 在以萨迦有帕路亚的儿子约沙法。

    Jehoshaphat , the son of paruah , in issachar ;

  4. 凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华。阿利路亚!

    Let everything that has breath praise jehovah . hallelujah !

  5. 阿利路亚!我的魂哪,你要赞美耶和华!

    Hallelujah ! Praise jehovah , O my soul !

  6. 主要生产塑料假饵、路亚鱼饵等系列仿真路亚饵。

    Fake plastic bait , bait , such as road sub-sub-series simulation Road bait .

  7. 阿利路亚!你们要从天上赞美耶和华,要在高处赞美。

    Hallelujah ! Praise Jehovah from the heavens ; praise him in the heights .

  8. 因为阿利路亚已被说过几次了,所以他们先说阿们。

    The " Amen " comes first because some hallelujahs have been spoken already .

  9. 自此我们由祢的圣伤获得治愈,而能学习歌唱:阿肋路亚!

    Thenceforth , being healed through Thy wounds , we learned to sing : Alleluia !

  10. 他吓坏了,匆忙喊道:“哈里路亚。”他们在离悬崖只有一英尺的地方停了下来。

    Frantic , he yelled " Hallelujah ", and they came to a stop a foot from the edge .

  11. 利用竿的弹性和路亚的重量,把路亚弹射出去。

    This way , you 're using the rod 's stored energy to make the cast , rather than your arm .

  12. 很多路亚前辈会说:我放了太多的精力在抛投距离上,却没有关心精准度的问题。

    Advanced anglers will probably point out that I pay too much attention to distance and didn 't even mention accuracy .

  13. 阿利路亚!歌颂我们的神,这本为美善;赞美的话是合宜的。

    Hallelujah ! For it is good to sing psalms to our god ; for it is pleasant ; praise is fitting .

  14. 普那路亚家庭或某种与它类似的形式,至少也应该和美洲的亲属制度同样流行过。

    The punaluan family or a form similar to it must have been at the very least as widespread as this system of consanguinity .

  15. 1阿利路亚!你们要在神的圣所赞美?,在?显能力的穹苍赞美?。去神圣的地方朝圣的人。

    Hallelujah ! Praise God in His sanctuary ; Praise Him in the firmament of His power . one who journeys to a sacred place .

  16. 你需要做些初步的研究以使你对路亚的操控能符合做钓的湖泊,水情,和季节模式。不然的话,你只是在浪费时间。

    It requires some preliminary research to ensure your lure presentations match the lake , water conditions and seasonal patterns . Otherwise , you 're wasting time .

  17. 不过,他仍然很幸运,在他的普那路亚家庭中碰到了最高的、典型的群婚形式,亦即可以用来更容易地说明向更高形式过渡的那种形式。

    However , in his punaluan family he had had the good fortune to strike the highest , the classic form of group marriage , from which the transition to a higher stage can be explained most simply .

  18. 一位欲买马之人看中了这匹马,但传教士说:“我必须警告你----他只懂‘教堂语言’。走是‘感谢上帝’,停是‘哈里路亚’。”

    A prospective buyer was impressed with the animal , but the preacher said , " I must warn you-he only responds to ' church talk ' . Go is ' Praise the Lord ' , and stop is ' Hallelujah " ' .

  19. 像澳大利亚所盛行的那种整个级别的结婚,无论如何,乃是群婚的一种十分低级的原始的形式;而普那路亚家庭,就我们所知道的而论,则是群婚的最高发展阶段。

    Marriage between entire sections , as it prevails in australia , is in any case a very low and primitive form of group marriage , whereas the punaluan family , so far as we know , represents its highest stage of development .

  20. 普达可,这条路往亚克拉帝国吗?

    Pultaco , is this the way to the Akra empire ?

  21. 乌干达军方关于已将乌干达反叛组织的高级指挥官拉斯卡?路克维亚将军射杀的声明将为乌干达北部充满挫折的和平进程又凭添疑虑。

    The Ugandan army 's announcement that it has killed general Raska lukwiya , one of the lra 's senior commanders cast further doubt on northern uganda 's troubled peace process .

  22. 从2月13日到15日,罗马人举办路盆卡利亚狂欢节。

    From Feb. 13 to 15 , the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia .

  23. 野蛮疯狂的罗马人从2月13日到15日,罗马人举办路盆卡利亚狂欢节。

    Those Wild and Crazy Romans From Feb. 13 to 15 , the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia .

  24. 路三2亚那和该亚法作大祭司。那时,撒迦利亚的儿子约翰在旷野里,神的话临到他。

    Lk . 3:2 During the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas , the word of God came to John the son of Zachariah in the wilderness .

  25. 在新的国际形势下,吉会路在东北亚经济圈诸国共同繁荣、共同进步的框架下所能够发挥的作用不容忽视。

    In the new international situation , the prospective effect of JiHui railway under the frame of joint prosperity and effort of all countries in the northeast Asian economic circle can not be neglected .

  26. 不久后,到了5世纪,教皇格拉西斯一世本想驱除异教徒的活动,将圣瓦伦汀节和路盆卡利亚节合并,实则添乱。

    Later , Pope Gelasius I muddled things in the 5th century by combining St. Valentine 's Day with Lupercalia to expel the pagan rituals . But the festival was more of a theatrical interpretation of what it had once been .

  27. 一路送你到亚克拉帝国,对吧?

    With your trip to the Akra empire . right ?