
  • road lamp engineering
  1. 通过一路灯工程实例,进行了太阳能照明与普通照明的经济性比较。

    Through a road lighting project , the paper compares economic performance between solar lighting and ordinary lighting .

  2. 试点设备投运后,通过与传统箱变全面的比较,进一步明确地下式变压器箱变在路灯工程中具有良好的推广前景和应用价值。

    After experimental equipment has been put into practice , through comprehensive comparison between two kinds of transformers , the thesis makes clear the prospect and value of Buried Transformer Box-Type Electric Substation in streetlight project .

  3. 公司已承担诸多地区的太阳能电站建设、太阳能低碳住宅建设、科研院所太阳能项目研究、太阳能LED路灯示范工程等。

    Our company have undertaken many areas of solar power construction , solar low carbon residential construction , research institutes solar research projects , solar LED lamp demonstration engineering .

  4. 太阳能光伏发电路灯照明工程设计方法探析

    Solar Photovoltaic for Engineering Design of Street Lighting

  5. 通过一路灯照明工程实例,探讨了路灯配电系统中的单相接地保护灵敏度校验、保护设置、接地型式选择等问题。

    The paper discusses sensitivity check of single phase earthing protection fault , protection setting , earthing type selection in road lighting power distribution system through a road lighting project example .

  6. 近年来,低压电力线作为通信媒介传输数据的技术被广泛地研究,并已经成功应用于自动抄表、智能楼宇和路灯控制等工程中。

    In recent years , the technology of low-voltage power line as communication media transmitting data has been studied intensively and got wide application in projects such as auto meter reading ( AMR ) systems , intelligent buildings , and street light control systems .