
  1. 所以这样的开场白会显得你只是个路人甲。

    So that icebreaker just makes you one of the crowd .

  2. 我只是送他回家的路人甲

    Just someone trying to give him a ride home .

  3. 只是准备把他送回家的路人甲

    Emma : Just someone trying to give him a ride home .

  4. 路人甲:看你打瞌睡时候口水流了一桌子。

    Guy1 : The pool of drool on the table from you dozing off .

  5. 我还以为你们就是一群被命运绑在一起的路人甲而已

    I thought you were all just a bunch of strangers thrown together by fate .

  6. 我有很多回忆是关于你的,可是你偏执地认为你不过是个路人甲。

    I have many memories about you , but you stubbornly think that you 're just a passer-by .

  7. 一开始路人甲就只是低着头,匆匆赶路。

    Right from the beginning , pedestrian A had always been keeping his head low , while rushing somewhere .

  8. 我是你转身就忘的路人甲,让你头也不回的路人甲。

    I am you turned around and you forget a passer-by , let you head also don 't return a passer-by .

  9. 香港导演尔冬升的最新电影《我是路人甲》讲述的就是追寻影视梦的无名之辈们的故事。

    Hong Kong director Derek Yee 's latest drama I Am Somebody pays tribute to these anonymous extras in the film industry .

  10. 换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他路人甲式的男士。

    In other words , after being rejected by a hunk , women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man .

  11. 你是我人生中独一的主角,我却只能是你故事中的一晃而过得路人甲。

    You are in my life the one of leading role , but I can only be your sped by in the story to a passer-by .

  12. 它所能实现的就是通过网际网路创造无穷的市场,将路人甲的所有物,与路人丙的需求物匹配,无论是什麽物件。

    What it does is use the internet to create an infinite marketplace to match person A 's haves with person C 's wants , whatever they may be .

  13. 香港著名演员梁朝伟在为《我是路人甲》撰写的影评中回忆:30年前,我还只是一个推销员,但我知道这不是我想要的生活。

    Distinguished Hong Kong actor Tony Leung recalled in a review that 30 years ago , he was a salesman but knew that 's not the kind of life he wanted to live .

  14. 但是,近年来越来越多的香港导演却为了迎合大陆观众的喜好而转移了焦点,比如徐克的《智取威虎山》、尔冬升的《我是路人甲》。

    But in recent years , more Hong Kong directors like Tsui Hark ( " The Taking of Tiger Mountain " ) and Derek Yee ( " I Am Somebody " ) have shifted the focus of their films in order to attract Chinese mainland audiences .

  15. 研究发现,“在被男神拒绝之后,女生同样也会轻视或是疏远长相平平的男生,即使这些男生向她们抛去橄榄枝也是如此”。换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他“路人甲”式的男士。

    Researchers found that " rejection by an attractive man also led to derogation of , and distancing from , an unattractive man - even when that unattractive man offered acceptance . " In other words , after being rejected by a hunk , women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man .