
  1. 《超级玛丽》(SuperMario)中的闯关机制和游戏金币就是一个例子,它们能促使玩家不断前进,积累奖励。

    Think the levels and coins in Super Mario , which create a building sense of progress and reward .

  2. 《超级玛丽》游戏的原创者之一的宫本茂,曾在今年9月份召开的苹果iPhone年度发布会上为该游戏做了一个简短的演示。

    Shigeru Miyamoto , one of the creators of the original Mario game , gave a short demonstration of the game at Apple 's annual iPhone event in September .

  3. 任天堂公司将于12月15日在全球发布苹果公司iPhone和iPad版的《超级玛丽跑酷》。自今夏《精灵宝可梦Go》大热后,任天堂此次推出的产品备受期待,成功的“门槛”也很高。

    Nintendo Co will release Super Mario Run worldwide for Apple Inc 's iPhone and iPad on Dec 15 , a highly anticipated launch that has a high bar for success after this summer 's Pokemon Go phenomenon .

  4. 根据“超级玛丽”电子游戏设计的惊艳的纸杯蛋糕。

    Amazing cupcakes inspired by Super Mario Bros video games .

  5. 根据超级玛丽3.0游戏设计的超酷美甲!

    Awesome nail art inspired by the Super Mario Bros.3 video game .

  6. 不,《超级玛丽》并不合格。

    No ," Super Mario " does not qualify .

  7. 下一个万圣节,把自家小孩也装扮成超级玛丽吧!

    Why not dress up your kids as Mario and Luigi for next Halloween ?

  8. 日本生产的电视游戏软件一直非常受欢迎&相信大部分人都玩过超级玛丽吧!

    Japan has long made popular video-game software & just ask the Mario Brothers .

  9. 在电子游戏界,几乎无人不识《超级玛丽》主人公“马里奥”。

    Mario is more than the most recognizable character in the video game world .

  10. 和超级玛丽玩法差不多,也是要吃金币,杀坏蛋。

    Super play and Mary almost as well as eat coins to kill the baddies .

  11. 这是一个模仿任天堂经典游戏《超级玛丽》的克隆游戏。

    This a parody of classic Nintendo game " Super Mario " Cloning of the game .

  12. 这是一款超级玛丽源码,让我们回到童年的乐趣中。

    Super Mario This is a source , let us return to the fun of childhood .

  13. 初略一想,这款游戏看上去像是一款标准老式超级玛丽风格游戏。

    At first blush Braid looks like a standard old-school Super Mario Bros. - style game .

  14. “你在这玩‘超级玛丽赛车’多久了?”

    and he said , " How long have you been playing Super Mario Kart ? "

  15. 一棵超级玛丽圣诞树针织圣诞树

    A Super Mario Christmas Tree

  16. 《超级玛丽跑酷》标志着任天堂最受欢迎的系列游戏首次出现在了智能手机上。

    Super Mario Run marks the first time Nintendo 's popular franchise is appearing on a smartphone .

  17. 这款鞋子的多数图案都是老的电子游戏,比如俄罗斯方块,吃豆子,超级玛丽和塞尔达。

    Most of the shoes are about old school games like Tetris , Pacman , Mario and Zelda .

  18. 比如《超级玛丽》(1993)和《古墓丽影》(2001)都是备受关注的尝试,却均以失败告终。

    Notable attempts like Super Mario Bros ( 1993 ) and Tomb Raider ( 2001 ) have all flopped .

  19. 一项新研究表明,想通过玩电脑游戏来锻炼大脑的人倒不如去玩“超级玛丽”(译者注:日本任天堂公司上世纪推出的一款红白机小游戏)。

    People playing computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario , a new research suggests .

  20. 是因为有一天我躺在沙发上玩“超级玛丽赛车”,我的朋友艾米特走进来说,

    is because one day when I was playing Super Mario Kart on my couch , my friend Emmet walked in ,

  21. 在这之前有雅达利和其他的游戏,但是超级玛丽却成为了今日的经典游戏。

    I know there was the atari and other systems prior to , but Mario made all games what they are today .

  22. 据任天堂公司的数据显示,迄今为止,《超级玛丽》游戏已卖出超过4000万套。

    Life to date , Super Mario Bros. has sold more than 40 million units , according to Nintendo NTDOY 1.40 % .

  23. 没有回头路,你永恒只能向钟头候16位的游戏机中的超级玛丽一样,不停地向前走。

    There is no turning back , you have to always be a child of16 games in the super-Marie , keep moving forward .

  24. 任天堂发布的声明称,除了英语和日语,“超级玛丽跑酷”还支持多种其他语言。

    In addition to English and Japanese , Super Mario Run will be available in several other languages , Nintendo said in a statement .

  25. 你已经挣了30美元了,也就是说,你花了30美元来玩‘超级玛丽赛车’。”

    you could have made 30 dollars , so in some ways , you just paid thirty dollars to play Super Mario Kart . "

  26. 丰田公司称该设计团队致力于从上世纪80年代早期的八位微处理电脑游戏,诸如超级玛丽和刺猬索尼克中寻找灵感。

    According to the company , the team sought to channel the feel of early1980s8-bit microprocessor videogames such as Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog .

  27. 我记得有一次,我又一次玩超级玛丽,有个地方我怎么跳都跳不上去。

    I still remember that once when I played Super Marry , there was a place where I failed to jump onto however hard I had tried .

  28. 目前,任天堂已经推出了三批Amiibo手办,其中包括《超级玛丽》、《大金刚》和《刺猬索尼克》等游戏中的29个经典游戏角色。

    Nintendo has rolled out three waves of amiibo figures so far , a total of 29 characters from Mario to Donkey Kong to Sonic the Hedgehog .

  29. 随着《超级玛丽》迎来盛大的周年庆,任天堂正再次动用这款游戏助其在竞争激烈的节日市场吸引玩家。

    As Super Mario Bros. hits this momentous anniversary , Nintendo is once again calling on the game to help it out in a very crowded holiday market .

  30. 通过游戏预告片,我们可以知道,这款游戏融合了《超级玛丽》,《洛克人》的元素,并且有很多独有的创新游戏方式。

    Through the game trailers , we can know , this game fusion " super Mary "," the rock " of the elements , and have a lot of unique innovation game the way .