
  • 网络Inch Grass Heart;Parents' love;Raggedy Man;cXn cCo xFn
  1. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。(孟郊《游子吟》)

    Who says that the heart of an inch-long plant , | can requite the radiance of full spring ?

  2. 谁言寸草心,报答三春晖。

    Who grass-inch heart , thanked the apartments .

  3. 因此,无论我们做什么,都无法报答您的母爱。(谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。)

    So no matter what we do , we are unable to repay you for your kindness .

  4. “谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”我应该给父母一个微笑,给自己一个微笑。

    " Who grass-inch heart , reported in the apartments " I should give parents a smile , to give yourself a smile .

  5. 据此,老龄委和全国寸草心敬老志愿者联盟对环球天下的无私奉献精神给予了高度评价和肯定。

    Accordingly , the committee on aging and national inch grass heart to respect volunteer league on the global world of selfless dedication spirit gave high evaluation and affirmation .

  6. “谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,报恩父母、回报家乡、报效祖国,参与春晖行动的关键在于行动!行动!还是行动!

    As the famous verse says ," Such kindness of warm sun cannot be repaid by grass ", the key to return parents'love , repay hometowns and serve the country is action , action and action !