
  1. 如果每天只有一个小时的时间和你的鸽子在一起,你可以不要幻想自己会成为超级冠军。

    If you have only one hour per day to spare for your pigeons you can forget becoming a Super-champion .

  2. 他们准备全力以赴,夺取下赛季的超级联赛冠军。

    They 're ready to go all out for the Premier League title next season .

  3. Allrightsreserved出版商周刊格鲁登追溯他从猪皮失望改革,作为一个超级杯冠军坦帕湾海盗队的教练球员格里迪隆胜利。

    From Publishers Weekly Gruden traces his transformation from pigskin letdown as a player to gridiron triumph as a Super Bowl-winning coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers .

  4. 曼联(ManchesterUnited)正计划在新加坡部分上市,融资至多10亿美元。此举将开启一段长远的路程,目标是为英国足球超级联赛冠军确立真实估值。

    Manchester United is planning to raise up to $ 1bn through a partial flotation in Singapore , in a move that would go a long way towards establishing a true valuation for the UK Premier League football champions .

  5. 绿湾包装工队赢得超级碗冠军后,NFL手里就积压了大量宣传匹兹堡钢人队得冠军的T恤。

    After the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl , the NFL was stuck with thousands of T-shirts heralding the Pittsburgh Steelers as champs .

  6. 当罗杰。古戴尔在一个月前关心那支球队拿得超级碗冠军时,斯特恩已经对六月的NBA总决赛虎视眈眈。

    While Roger Goodell had to watch a team no one cared about a month ago crashing his Super Bowl , Stern can start salivating at the prospect of another boffo matchup in the NBA Finals in June .

  7. 去年超级女声冠军被选为中国红十字基金会(CRCF)的“玉米爱心基金”的大使。

    The winner of the Super Girl singing contest last year has been chosen as the ambassador for the " Yu Mi Loving Fund " of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation ( CRCF ) .

  8. 超级碗冠军、巨人队、钢人队、圣徒队、绿湾包装工队,又到巨人队。

    Super bowl winnersGiants , Steelers , Saints , Packers , Giants again .

  9. 波士顿凯尔特人甚至请来汤姆-布拉迪带着超级碗冠军戒指来招募他。

    The Boston Celtics even brought along Tom Brady to flash a Super Bowl ring .

  10. 当爱国者的海尔·玛丽触地,巨人队赢得了超级碗冠军。

    And when the Patriots'Hail Mary hit the ground , the Giants were Super Bowl champions .

  11. 曼宁将于两周后在纽约冲击第二枚超级碗冠军戒指。

    Manning will try for his second Super Bowl ring in New York in 2 weeks .

  12. 你能来住这个超级杯冠军之都是件很棒的事。

    It 'll be good to have you here in the home of the Super Bowl champs .

  13. 欢迎来到白宫,并对超级碗冠军纽约巨人队表示祝贺。

    Welcome to the White House , and congratulations to the Super Bowl Champion New York Giants .

  14. 星期二,克林顿总统在白宫为全美橄榄球联赛超级碗冠军丹佛野马队举行招待会。

    President Clinton holds a reception for NFL Superbowl winners Denver Broncos at the White House on tuesday .

  15. 球员经纪人今天说超级联赛冠军曼联有兴趣签约热刺前锋迪米塔尔。贝尔巴托夫。

    Premier League champions Manchester United are interested in signing Tottenham Hotspur striker Dimitar Berbatov , the player 's agent said today .

  16. 最受欢迎的还要数根据全民歌唱比赛超级女声冠军李宇春得来的名字&姚宇春。

    The most popular suggestion was Yao Yuchun in reference to Li Yuchun , winner of Super Girl , a nationwide singing contest .

  17. 羽毛球奥运冠军龚智超和超级女声冠军李宇春也是这一部分的205名火炬手之一。

    Olympic badminton champion Gong Zhichao and Super Girl singing competition winner Li Yuchun were among the205 torchbearers for this portion of the relay .

  18. 史蒂文·杰拉德对下赛季信心十足,倘若拉法·贝尼特斯的安菲尔德战舰能有高水平球员加盟,利物浦势必夺得超级联赛冠军。

    Steven Gerrard is confident Liverpool can win the Premier League next season , providing they can add quality additions to Rafa Benitez 's Anfield ranks .

  19. 2003年他一到皇马就赢得了西班牙超级杯冠军,在那场比赛中他也打入了加入皇马的第一粒进球。

    He won a Spanish Super Cup in2003 as soon as he signed for Real Madrid , in which he scored his first goal for the Club .

  20. 而这次中超夺冠也是他率领奥林匹亚科斯夺得希腊超级联赛冠军和希腊杯冠军以及率领波尔图2012和2013年两次夺得葡萄牙联赛冠军之后再次夺冠。

    the Chinese Super League title a collection that boasts the Greek Super League and the Greek Cup , in addition to his back-to-back Portuguese League wins with Porto in 2012 and 2013 .

  21. 巴塞罗那努力想填补菲戈留下的空缺,这位球员曾帮助它赢得了两次联赛冠军、两次西班牙杯赛冠军、一次欧洲超级杯冠军、一次西班牙超级杯冠军和一次欧洲优胜者杯冠军。

    Barcelona have struggled to replace the man who helped them to two league titles , two Spanish Cups , the European Super Cup , the Spanish Super Cup and the European Cup Winners'Cup .

  22. 内维尔对此了然于胸,在他在曼联的15年里,他获得了六个超级联赛冠军、三个足总杯冠军、一个欧洲冠军杯冠军和一个联赛杯冠军。

    And he would know a thing or two about that-having picked up six Premiership titles , three FA Cups , one European Cup and one League Cup , during his15 year association with the club .

  23. 我要去参加新人超级轻量冠军赛。

    I 'll try out for the new super light weight championships .

  24. 热衷于观看深夜转播的超级联赛、冠军联赛的女性也不在少数。

    Many female football fans also stay up late to watch the Premier League and UEFA Champions League match broadcasts .

  25. 同时,如果你赢得欧罗巴联赛,你就可能在欧洲超级杯面对冠军杯冠军,这将有助于俱乐部和球队,所以我们必须看待。

    Also , if you win the Europa League you can play in the UEFA Super Cup against the Champions League winners and that would be really good for the team and the club , so we will see .

  26. 假小子的典型代表人物2005年“超级女声”的冠军&李宇春。

    One good example of this kind of " tom boy " is the2005 Super Girl contest winner , Li Yuchun .

  27. 她们就是有男人气质的女人,典型的代表人物就是2005年“超级女声”的冠军——李宇春。

    There are definitely girls who project a more masculine attitude . One good example of this kind of " tomboy " is the 2005 Super Girl contest winner , Li Yuchun .