
  1. 他说:思科的今天,就是我们的明天。

    He says : Of Cisco today , be us tomorrow .

  2. 语莎饰品相信有您的支持与依赖,我们的明天会更好!

    Lufthansa language has · trust and rely on your support , we will be better tomorrow !

  3. 上海世博会显示我们的明天将更美好,更进步。团结、友谊、繁荣、幸福!

    Shanghai Expo manifests our future will be better , more progress . Unite , friendship , prosperity and happiness !

  4. 我感谢我能尽我所能,和你们一起使我们的明天比今天更加美好。

    And I 'm thankful for the chance to do my part , as together , we make tomorrow better than today .

  5. 我相信我们祖国的明天会更美好。

    I believe the future of our country will be much better .

  6. 我们真的明天启程?

    We are definitely going tomorrow , aren 't we ?

  7. 正因您的执着,才有我们璀璨的明天!

    It is precisely because of your perseverance , we have bright future !

  8. 我们的船明天启航前往纽约。

    Our ship sails tomorrow for New York .

  9. 我们一生的明天,都必须经过祂,然后才会临到我们。

    All the tomorrows of our life have to pass Him before they can get to us .

  10. 所以,不管怎么样,为了我们美好的明天,给自己一个目标,给自己一份责任。

    So , no matter what happens , set a goal and have responsibility so that the future changes for the better .

  11. 但是他说,教育体系正在衰退,今天教育方面超过我们的国家明天竞争方面也会超过我们。

    But he says the education system is " falling short " and " countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow . "

  12. 我们的房间到明天中午都留着知道吗

    we have that hotel room till noon tomorrow . Okay ?

  13. 我不知道我们的老师是否明天会回来。

    I don 't know if our teacher will come tomorrow .

  14. 最后,我们祝愿汇思的明天更辉煌!

    Finally , we wish the company a more brilliant future !

  15. 参观了我们城市的外国人明天动身去北京。

    The foreigners who visited our city will leave for Beijing tomorrow .

  16. 我们坚信澳门的明天会更加美好。

    We are à Macao will be even á tomorrow .

  17. 我们的足球队明天回来。是的,我知道。

    Our soccer team will be back tomorrow . Yes , I know .

  18. 我们相信香港的明天会更好。

    We are Hong Kong will be even tomorrow .

  19. 我们的足球队明天将去外地比赛,星期六则在本地比赛。

    Our football team will play away tomorrow and play at home on Saturday .

  20. 我们的经理希望明天见你。

    Our manager hopes to see you tomorrow .

  21. 让我们共创美好的明天。

    Let 's create a better tomorrow .

  22. 我相信我们两国关系的明天将会更好。

    I 'm confident that the future relation between the two countries will be infinitely better .

  23. 我们使美国的明天更好。

    We 're King bett america .

  24. 如果我们订的货物明天还不到,我得与供货商联系,催促他们快办。

    If the goods I ordered don 't arrive tomorrow , I 'll have to contact the supplier and chase them up .

  25. “在21世纪,今天在教育方面超越我们的国家,明天将在所有方面超越我们。我们提供的教育水平是决定我们未来的国家质量和生活质量的最关键因素。”

    In the 21st century , when countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow , there is nothing that will determine the quality of our future as a nation and the lives that our children will lead more than the kind of education we provide them , " he said .

  26. 我们的船将于明天上午停靠香港。

    Our ship is to touch at Hongkong tomorrow morning .

  27. 我们的教授将于明天讲演莎士比亚的作品。

    Our professor will deliver a lecture on Shakespeare tomorrow .

  28. 我今天没有时间去看望我们的英语老师,明天如何?

    I have no time to see our English teacher today . tomorrow ?

  29. 阿珍:我们的季会议是明天还是后天?

    Jane : Is the meeting we have quarterly tomorrow or the next day ?

  30. 让我们一起创造美好的明天!

    Let 's create bright future together !