
  1. 现在有点儿意思了,这儿是。

    It 's a little more interesting now , 5 .

  2. 我看她对你儿子有点儿意思。

    I think she 's got a little crush on your boy here .

  3. 有趣的是,在美国的手势语言中,这个动作用来表示字母“T”。嘿嘿,有点儿意思。

    Interestingly , the gesture is also the same used for the letter T in American Sign Language .

  4. 环顾伦敦四周,你看到的将是:一点儿热情,一些漠视,还有很多人认为婚礼有点儿意思、还算有趣!

    Look around London and what you see is this : a little fervour , a fair amount of indifference , and plenty of people who find the wedding mildly interesting and gently amusing .

  5. 我觉得重复这个有点儿没意思。

    I feel stupid of just repeating it .

  6. (汗~)当然这份报告还是有一些吸引人的内容,并且针对世界杯中32支队伍的比赛,提出了一些有点儿意思的获胜理论。

    Nevertheless , the document does identify some intriguing patterns , and offers a variety of interesting theories about the success , or otherwise , of the32 teams competing in the tournament .