
  • 网络Effective Radius
  1. CNG供气有效半径的研究

    Study on Effective Radius for CNG Supply

  2. 利用FY-1C资料反演水云的光学厚度和粒子有效半径

    Determination of the optical thickness and effective radius of water clouds by FY-1C data

  3. 因此,由边界半径可以预言某些原子的有效半径以及vanderwaals半径。

    The atomic van der Waals radii has a good relation with the atomic boundary radii .

  4. 结果表明,FY-2C和MODIS资料能一致地反映云粒子有效半径分布的主要特征,但反演的粒子大小存在差异。

    While comparing to the corresponding MODIS products on TERRA , it is shown that FY-2C presents similar distribution patterns of cloud effective radius to MODIS , but with some differences in particle size .

  5. 排放钻孔有效半径的简易确定方法

    Simple determining method of core ′ s effective methane emission radius

  6. 水电工程化学灌浆对浆液扩散有效半径的控制方法

    Chemical grouting to control effective diffusion radius of slurry in hydropower projects

  7. 随着云滴数目的增加,云滴的有效半径会减小;

    The effective radius decreases as cloud drops number increases .

  8. 自聚焦透镜的有效半径和有效数值孔径

    Effective Radius and Effective Numerical Aperture of the Self & Focusing Lens Array

  9. 晶体薄膜中激子的有效半径与能级结构

    The Structure of Effective Radius and Energy Levels of Exciton in a Thin Crystal Film

  10. 控制棒当量有效半径

    Equivalent effective radius of a control rod

  11. 深部煤层瓦斯赋存规律及钻孔抽采有效半径研究

    Study on Gas Storage Law and Effective Extracting Radius of Borehole in Deep Coal Seam

  12. 经理论计算和实验研究,确定注浆有效半径为10~15m。

    10.The theoretical calculation and actual study confirmed that the effective radius is about 10 ~ 15 m.

  13. 讨论了热源移动速度、焊弧有效半径等参数对结果的影响。

    The effects of welding speed , welding current and effective radius electric arc on temperature field are discussed .

  14. 其中,云的光学厚度可通过云水含量和云粒子平均有效半径确定。

    The cloud visible optical depth can be determined using cloud liquid ( ice ) water content and effective radius .

  15. 大雾区域地面能见度、垂直总水汽含量、雾滴有效半径等因子是对大雾进行有效监测的重要参数。

    The visibility , effective radii and liquid water path ( LWP ) of fog are the fundamental parameters for fog monitoring .

  16. 混合态云中,Sc-下层As云底-对流泡顶,高过冷水区的云滴有效半径随着高度增加而依次增加。

    The droplets effective radius of high supercooled water area increased with the increasing cloud height in the bottom of Sc and As .

  17. 在近红外和中红外光谱区,云的反射函数主要依赖于云滴有效半径。

    In the near infrared and middle infrared spectral region , the cloud reflection function depends mainly on the cloud particle effective radius .

  18. 发现当探测器和光源的有效半径都小于3时,系统具有较好的光学层析能力;

    When detector effective radius and incoherent incidence light effective radius were all less than 3 , the system had better optical sectioning strength .

  19. 卫星数据表明,此时雹云与其它云团不同,具有粒子有效半径较大,气溶胶光学厚度也大的特点。

    The effective radius of cloud particle is larger and optical thickness of aerosol is large , which were reflected by CH1 and CH3 reflectance .

  20. 但本文中考虑了激子有效半径随薄膜厚度的变化及其对能级结构的影响。

    However , the variation of the effective exciton radius with film thickness and its influence on the structure of energy levels have been considered .

  21. 云滴粒子有效半径和云层光学厚度是两个比较重要的微物理特征参量,利用卫星探测资料结合辐射传输模式可以实现对这两个参数的反演。

    Cloud particle effective radius and optical thickness are important micro-physical parameters ; they can be retrieved by using satellite data together with radiation transfer model .

  22. 当杂质位于量子点中心时,结合能随着电场和有效半径的增加而减小。

    When the impurity is located at the center of a quantum dot , the binding energies decrease for the electric field and effective radius increasing .

  23. 卫星是云监测的主要手段,通过反演还可得到云粒子有效半径等很多云特性参数。

    The satellite is the primary means cloud monitoring . By the way of retrieval , we can get many cloud paraments such as the cloud effective radius .

  24. 从刀具有效半径和切削速度的角度,对平头立铣刀在五坐标自由曲面加工中的加工效率与切削性能进行了分析。

    From the two sides of virtual radius and cutting speed , the efficiency and property of flat-end milling cutter in five-axis NC machining are analyzed . Freedom freedom ;

  25. 通过对平板堆焊实例温度场的有限元分析,成功得出了焊接有效半径、焊接速度以及对流系数对焊接温度场的影响,为中厚板多道焊模拟过程中相关参数的选择提供了参考依据;

    In order to know the welding effective radius , welding speed and convective heat-transfer coefficient how to affect temperature fields in the butt-welding , the paper utilized bead-on-plane welding .

  26. 为了保证工程质量、节约材料,对化学灌浆工程浆液扩散有效半径的计算,将起着重要作用。

    In order to guarantee the quality of projects , and save materials , it will play an important role to calculate effective diffusion radius of slurry in chemical grouting works .

  27. 在共聚焦显微镜中,通过系统的归一化轴向光强半高宽与探测器有效半径和非相干光源有效半径的关系曲线,获得非相干光源照明下系统光学层析能力的变化规律。

    Through the curve of half high width of normalized axial intensity via detector effective radius and incoherent incidence light effective radius , the optical sectioning property of confocal microscope was gotten .

  28. 在本煤层抽放瓦斯工程中,有效半径和钻孔间距是合理布置抽放钻孔的两个主要参数。

    The effective radius and rational distances between bores of drainage gas in coal seams are two of the fundamental parameters of the rational arrangement bores in the engineering of drainage gas .

  29. 建立了采矿机器人驱动轮有效半径、左右履带打滑率等关键运动参数的在线估计模型,完成了对滑转率和有效驱动半径的有效估计。

    The parameters including tracks slip rate and effective radiuses of driving wheels identification model is built , it builds basis for optimal unbiased estimation of deep seabed mining robot key moving parameters .

  30. 指出金属在汞中的扩散完全符合Einstein&Sutherland公式,式中扩散质点的半径应为金属传质的有效半径。

    Diffusion of metals in Hg satisfactorily obeys the Einstein & Sutherland equation ( n-4 ) where the ' effective radii ' of diffusing particles should be used instead of the atomic radii .