
  1. CdS半导体纳米微粒有序组装体系光致发光研究

    Study on Photoluminescence of the Organized CdS Nanoparticles System

  2. TiO2超细微粒的有序组装

    Order-assembly of tio_2 ultrafine particles

  3. 用离子替代法制备了ZnO/ZnS复合超微粒,并且用LB膜技术进行有序组装。

    The ZnO / ZnS composite ultrafine particles were prepared by ion replacement method and orderly fabricated with LB film technique .

  4. 纳米结构ZrO2的有序组装

    Ordered Assembly of Nanostructure Zirconia

  5. 单分散胶体颗粒的有序组装及其应用研究进展

    Progress in Ordered Self-Assemblies of Monodisperse Colloidal Spheres and Their Applications

  6. 金属纳米粒子有序组装体中电荷转移及其拉曼光谱研究

    Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Effect from the Charge Transfer in Metal Nanoparticle Array

  7. 分子识别诱导的蛋白质和核酸多层膜的有序组装

    Molecular recognition induced formation of protein / nucleic acid multilayers

  8. 有序组装超薄膜热释电性能的优化研究

    Optimization of pyroelectric properties in ultrathin organized molecular films

  9. 乳胶粒的有序组装及应用

    Orderly Assembly of Latex Particles and its Application

  10. 三嵌段共聚物在气-液界面的有序组装

    Ordered Assembly of Triblock Copolymer on Air-water Interface

  11. 超分子组装技术可以实现双亲性有机分子的有序组装,获得排列有序、层数可精确控制的分子薄膜。

    Amphiphilic organic molecules can be assembled into order and layer number-controlled thin films .

  12. 金属纳米粒子的合成及有序组装体的拉曼光谱研究

    Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticle and Investigate the Spectroscopic Character of Their Ordered Assembly Structure

  13. ZnO/ZnS复合超微粒有序组装的研究

    Studies on ordered fabrication of ZnO / ZnS composite ultrafine particles On the Compound Matrices

  14. 两亲性金属卟啉界面和溶液有序组装结构的研究

    Study of Ordered Assembled Structures of Amphiphilic Metalloporphyrin at Water / Air Interface and in Solution

  15. 以胱胺修饰的金电极为基础电极,利用席夫碱反应使经高碘酸根氧化的葡萄糖氧化酶在该电极表面进行自身的层-层有序组装。

    Highly stable glucose oxidase ( GOx ) multilayer films were fabricated on cystamine modified gold electrode surfaces by layer-by-layer self-reaction of periodate-oxidized glucose oxidase .

  16. 从较简单的氢键作用&羧酸基团开始,研究如何利用氢键作用诱导共轭光电分子在表面的有序组装。

    Based on the simplest hydrogen bonding interactions from carboxylic acid groups , we initialize our research on hydrogen bonding induced well-ordered self-assembly of opto-electronic molecules at the interface .

  17. 归纳了乳胶粒有序组装的研究进展及应用,从高分子聚合物乳液的稳定机理方面阐述了乳胶粒有序组装的原理和方法。

    In this paper , the development and application of orderly assembly of latex particles are reviewed and the orderly assembly theory is described from the mechanism of polymer latex stabilization .

  18. 由于具有三维有序组装结构的胶体晶体在光电研究领域的特殊意义,近年来这种材料作为光子晶体己成为人们研究的热点。

    With three-dimensional ordered periodic structure , colloidal crystal now become a quite important material known as photonic crystal , which has the behavior to light just like the semiconductor to electrons .

  19. 制备过程中,天然光子晶体先经活化处理增加活性位点,再引导硫化镉种子的原位合成和纳米颗粒的有序组装,最后作为固态载体使产物无需基片便可自支撑。

    During the process , natural PhCs gained additional active sites by the activation step , then directed the in situ synthesis of CdS seeds and ordered assembly of nano-CdS , finally provided solid substrate for the self-sustainable products .

  20. 基于两种适配体和朊蛋白的特异性结合作用进行朊蛋白的定量检测,在相同的灵敏度下显著提高了检测的线性范围,同时得到了有序组装的纳米金颗粒。

    As the two kinds of aptamers are special bind to prion protein , we can quantitative detect prion protein . Under the same sensitivity we significantly improve the linear rang of detection , and get orderly assembly Au nanoparticles complex .

  21. SiO2胶体颗粒的三维有序自组装

    Three-Dimensionally Ordered Self-Assembly of SiO_2 Colloidal Particles

  22. 通过LB膜技术可以控制分子尺度;设计成膜技术可以组装分子取向、进行有序分子组装,得到大面积单分子层。

    LB film technique can be used to control the size of molecule , and the design of film forming technique can be used to assemble the molecule orientation and make ordering molecule assembly , getting the monolayer with large area .

  23. 有机大分子导向无机纳米粒子的分级有序自组装

    Hierarchical Self - Assembly of Inorganic Nanoparticles Mediated by Organic Macromolecules

  24. 银纳米粒子有序自组装体中偶联分子的表面增强拉曼光谱研究

    Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of the Coupling Molecules in Self-assemblies of Silver Nanoparticles

  25. 中间体3也能在石墨表面形成有序自组装结构。

    The ordered self-assembly of compound 3 was also obtained .

  26. 有序自组装聚合物纳米结构

    Ordered Self-assembly of Polymer Nano - structure

  27. 将亚微米级单分散颗粒实现三维有序聚集组装成胶体晶体是制备光子晶体的方法之一。

    One of the effective ways to fabricate photonic crystal is the method of self-assembly : obtaining colloid crystal from sub-micrometer colloidal spheres .

  28. 静电自组装法中有序的组装体可保护生物大分子的二级结构和生物稳定性,因此可以实现多种生物分子的固定化。

    This method can protect the secondary structure and biological stability of biological macromolecules , so many biological molecules can be immobilized using this method .

  29. 明亮的车间里,到处悬挂着让我们实现零瑕疵和质量是一种生活方式等大型横幅。在车间里整齐有序的组装线上,每天有近2000辆摩托车下线。

    Large banners with exhortations such as Let Us Achieve Zero Defects and Quality is a Way of Life hang across the bright facility where nearly 2,000 vehicles are built each day on neat assembly lines .

  30. 本论文通过CVD、热蒸发等方法,制备了有序化自组装纳米硅丝阵列、不同直径纳米硅丝、纳米硅管等一维纳米材料。

    In this paper , we synthesized some one-dimensional nano-materials including the silicon nanowires with orderly array , different diameters and silicon nanotubes via methods of CVD , thermal evaporation , etc.