
yǒu guāng
  • bright;glazed
有光[yǒu guāng]
  1. 利用DSC热分析进行了超有光聚酯切片热性能的研究。

    The thermal property of the super bright polyester ( PET ) chip was studied by DSC .

  2. 84dtex/36f三角形涤纶有光DT丝的研制

    Development of 84 dtex / 36 f triangle polyester bright DT yarn

  3. 把材料放在平面上,有光的一面朝上。

    Place the material on a flat surface , shiny side uppermost .

  4. 二氧化钛(TiO2),作为一种n型半导体,可用作光催化剂,但TiO2光催化剂有光生电子和光生空穴复合几率高,只能被紫外光激发等缺点。

    Titania is a n-type semiconductor , which can be used as photocatalyst .

  5. 本文通过对再生高粘大有光PET切片的生产工艺、设备介绍,及对以此材料制成的农药用瓶进行理化测试、经济分析。

    The technological process and production equipment of regenerated high-viscosity lustrous PET chip are introduced in the paper .

  6. 有光反馈的半导体激光器大信号SPICE电路模型

    Large-signal SPICE Circuit Model for Semiconductor Laser with Optical Feedback

  7. 介绍了以超有光聚酯切片为原料,采用熔体狭缝挤出成型技术和高速纺丝牵伸一步法工艺制取异形PET纤维的生产方法。

    The bright profiled PET can be produced by the forming technology extruded from the spinneret slit and high-speed spinning-drawing with bright polyester chips .

  8. 含BaSO4大有光PET复合材料的制备及性能研究

    Study on the Preparation and Performance of Bright PET / BaSO_4 Composites

  9. TCS法生产涤纶超有光三角形FDY的工艺探讨

    Discussion on TCS process for super bright triangle pet FDY

  10. 涤纶有光三叶形FDY生产工艺的探讨

    Discussion on the technique of the lustrous trilobal pet FDY

  11. 有光涤纶FDY狭缝挤出成型生产技术研究

    Study on forming technology of bright polyester FDY extruded from spinneret slit

  12. 结果表明活性炭负载SiC纳米线具有光催化降解甲基橙的特性,经过回收重复利用后仍然具有较好的光催化活性。

    The SiC nanowires grown on the activated carbon show good photocatalytic activity on the degradation of methyl orange and can be recycled simply .

  13. 三叶有光异形FDY生产工艺探讨

    Study on the process of shiny special shaped FDY

  14. 有光涤纶中空FDY生产工艺技术

    The production process technology of lustrous hollow polyester FDY

  15. 涤纶FDY粗旦有光三叶异形丝生产工艺探讨

    Discussions on the technology of pet FDY heavy denier bright trilobal filament production

  16. 高速纺有光三叶异形涤纶POY色丝的生产工艺

    The production process for bright trilobal and coloured high - spun polyester filament

  17. 影响光合作用的环境因素主要有光照、温度、湿度、空气中CO2浓度等,多元回归分析表明环境因子与光合速率密切相关,三个品种回归方程的R~2值都在75%以上。

    The results of multiple regression analysis showed that photosynthetic rate was closely related with environmental factors . The R2 of three cultivars were all higher than 75 % .

  18. 初步探讨了有光三叶形FDY的生产工艺。

    In this paper , the technique of the lustrous trilobal PET FDY is discussed .

  19. SiO2、TiO2是良好的减反射薄膜材料,其中TiO2薄膜还具有光催化、光降解和防雾、防露等特性,能够大大提高减反射薄膜的性能。

    SiO2 , TiO2 are the good materials as antireflection films , and TiO2 have characteristics of photocatalytic , self-cleaning and antifogging films and so on .

  20. 介绍在切片纺FDY生产线上开发55dtex有光三叶异形全拉伸丝。

    The development condition of 55 dtex bright trilobal profiled FDY on chip spinning FDY production line is introduced .

  21. LED作为第四代照明光源,有光效高、寿命长、响应快和环保等特点,已开始在多个照明领域取代传统光源。

    As the fourth generation lighting source , LED has many merits such as large luminous efficiency , long life , fast response and environment protection , etc. It has begun to replace conventional light sources in many applications .

  22. 锦纶HOY有光异形交络丝的研制

    The development of PA lustrous profiled interlaced Hoy

  23. 结果,将3盆涂抹有光催化剂的绢花放于可见光照的病房内(23m3),48h后空气中自然菌菌数平均下降率为25.24%;

    Results : Three pots of silk flower smeared with photocatalyst were put in the ward ( 23 m3 ) irradiated by visible light .

  24. 叶绿素蛋白复合物凝胶电泳分离,SDS-PAGE,westernblots免疫检测、以及叶绿素荧光诱导动力学结果均确证暗萌发莲苗有光合系统的发育,特别是PSI的出现;

    The results from chlorophyll-protein complex separation , SDS-PAGE , Western Blots , and fluorescence induction kinetics all demonstrated the photosystem development , especially the PSI appearance in dark-grown lotus seedlings .

  25. 在这种需求背景下,智能光网络被发展用于将现有光网络的运维管理自动化与智能化,最重要的是,这种智能光网络能够有效的传输IP数据业务。

    Intelligent Optical Network ( ION ) is now being developed to make the optical network more automatic and intelligent in maintenance and operation , and the most important is to make the optical network efficient to transport IP traffic .

  26. 本文讨论了在三叶有光POY-DT生产过程中,喷丝板毛细孔尺寸与可纺性的关系。

    In this paper . the relationship between capillary configuration ot spinneret and spinnability was studied under POY-DT production of lustrous " Y " - fiber .

  27. 介绍了255dtex/36f有光三叶异形涤纶POY色丝的生产原料、设备及工艺参数。

    The raw materials , production equipment and process parameter for producing 255dtex / 36f bright trilobal and coloured high - spun polyester filament are described .

  28. 实验中TOF模型由塑料闪烁体(塑料闪烁体外包有光反射材料)和两端耦合的光电倍增管构成。

    In the experiment , TOF model was made up of a plastic scintillator ( wrapped with some reflective materials ) and two PMT coupling on the both end of the scintillator .

  29. 在UV-TiO2-Fe3+体系中有光助Fenton效应;在光-声联合催化反应中加强了催化剂的催化活性。

    There is photo-assisted Fenton effect in the systems of UV-TiO2-Fe3 + , synergetic effect of UV / US in the UV-US-TiO2 system , and that the intensification of materials transfer can improve catalysis significantly .

  30. 结果表明:在相同电镀工艺条件下,纯镍电镀镀层不具有光催化性;直流Ni-纳米TiO2镀层虽具有光催化性,但性能和高频脉冲电镀相差很大。

    The results showed that : in the same plating parameters , the pure nickel plating does not have coating of photo catalytic ; DC Ni-TiO2 coating with photo catalytic though , but the performance and high-frequency pulse plating varied considerably .