
  • 网络bounded sequence
  1. 以通常所说的闭区间套定理作为公理推出单调有界数列存在极限和Dedekind定理,并且证明了通常所说的实数满闭区间套定理。

    Based on the view that the theorem of closed mested interval is an axiom , this paper deduces the essential limit of monotonic bounded sequence of number and the Dedekind theorem , and proves the general theorem of bull closed nested interval of real number .

  2. 单调有界数列一定收敛的新证法

    A New Method to Prove the convergence of Monotone Bounded Series of Nambers

  3. 单调有界数列必收敛的应用综述

    The Summary of the Application of " Monotonous Boundary Numbered Lines Necessarily Converge "

  4. 囿变数列又称为有界变差数列,在函数论中有广泛的应用。

    The bounded variation sequence is applied broadly .