
  • 网络effective thermal conductivity
  1. 高比例SiCp/Al复合材料的有效热导率模型

    Effective Thermal Conductivity Model of High Volume SiC_p / Al Composite

  2. 通过数值求解传热方程,计算了稳态的有效热导率。试车结果表明,PFDH-2绝热层可以对富氧环境下工作的发动机燃烧室实施有效热防护。

    The governing heat transfer equations are solved numerically and effective thermal conductivity is calculated from the steady-state results . Results of subscale engine test show that the insulation ( PFDH-2 ) can be used for heat protection of oxidizer rich solid rocket engine chamber .

  3. 堆内测量UO2燃料元件的有效热导率

    Measuring equivalent thermal conductivity of uo_2 fuel element under irradiation

  4. 本文概述了铝蜂窝复合材料在x、y方向低温有效热导率的测试方法,给出部分测试结果。

    The method of measuring effective thermal conductivities of Al honeycomb sandwich panels in the direction of X and Y at low temperature has been described , and some of results have been given .

  5. 非均匀多孔介质有效热导率分析

    Analysis of effective thermal conductivity for non - uniform porous media

  6. 固液相变数学模型中有效热导率

    Effective thermal conductivity within mathematical model of solid-liquid phase change

  7. 等效热降法的扩展碳纳米管复合材料的有效热导率

    Expansion of the Equivalent Entropy Drop Method Effective thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube composites

  8. 单一颗粒流分形模型及有效热导率计算

    The Fractal Model for a Single Species of Granular Flow and Computation of Effective Thermal Conductivity

  9. 有效热导率是芯块热导率和气隙热导率的综合描述。

    The equivalent thermal conductivity ( ETC ) is a comprehensive description of both fuel pellet and gas gap conductivity .

  10. 通过对等热通量和等壁温边界条件的仿真计算结果与实验数据相比较,说明了本文的有效热导率计算方法的合理性。

    The results of the model simulation are compared with the experimental data and the computing method for effective thermal conductivity is reasonable .

  11. 文中讨论了芯块的形状因子、包壳材料和包壳内壁温度对有效热导率的影响。

    The effects of fuel pellet shape factor , cladding materials and the inside temperature of clad wall on ETC were also discussed .

  12. 测量了以切片石蜡为芯材、脲醛树脂聚合物为壳材,采用原位聚合法制备的不同壳/芯比、温度、密度的相变微胶囊粉体的有效热导率。

    The phase change microcapsules with paraffin wax as core materials and urea-formaldehyde resin polymers as shell materials are produced by in-situ polymerization process .

  13. 考虑到碳纳米管的空间取向分布特征,建立了碳纳米管复合材料的有效热导率模型。

    A simple model for expressing effective thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes composites was established , in consideration of the orientation distribution of carbon nanotubes .

  14. 给出了不同保温结构层数、不同工作温度条件下的有效热导率的计算方法和程序;

    According to various layers of thermal insulation and general working temperature conditions , the calculation method and mathematical program of effective thermal conductivity are also given .

  15. 建立了蜂窝夹芯板和纤维隔热毡的有效热导率的数值预报模型,算例研究表明本文给出的数值预报方法正确。

    A numerical model was developed to predict the effective conductivities of the honeycomb sandwich panel and fibrous insulation , and example demonstrates the accuracy of the method .

  16. 本文介绍一种新的微观力学方法&加权残值自洽方法(简称权残自洽方法),用于研究含任意夹杂形状的颗粒增强复合材料的有效热导率。

    A new micromechanical method , the Weighted Residual Self-Consistent Scheme ( WRSCS ) is developed to study the thermal conduction of two-phase composite with arbitrary geometry of particulates .

  17. 扩散层的物性参数(如渗透率、有效热导率和有效扩散系数等)与其微结构特征有密切联系,是进行模拟计算的重要基础。

    The material parameters ( such as permeability , effective thermal conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient ) have close connection with microstructure characteristic , and they are the foundation of simulation .

  18. 通过模型预测结果与实测结果的比较,说明本模型可用于实际散体有效热导率的估算,具有一定的理论和实用价值。

    Based on the comparison between the model prediction and the actual measurement , it is proved that the model could be used to estimate the effective thermal conductivity of the actual particulate materials .

  19. 尝试了由常温参数出发,通过分析模型计算有效热导率的方法,获得了与实验相符的结果。

    The way of calculating the effective thermal conductivity by means of the analytical model from some parameters has been tried . The results that are consistent with results of experiment have been obtained .

  20. 然后根据超导材料的热导率的计算模型,提出磁体有效热导率的概念,并建立理论计算模型,对磁体的热导率进行预测、计算;

    Then the concept of effective thermal conductivity of magnet was presented based on the computational model of thermal conductivity of superconducting material . After modeling the magnet , prediction and computation of effective thermal conductivity was accomplished .

  21. 提高活性炭的热导率可以提高活性炭床的有效热导率,从而降低整个储氢罐内的温度,提高氢气的吸附量。

    By improving the thermal conductivity of activated carbon , the effective thermal conductivity of activated carbon bed can be increased , while the high temperature in the hydrogen storage tank is reduced and the adsorption capacity of hydrogen is enhanced .

  22. 在一维固液相变数学模型中有效热导率计算公式的研究基础上,根据理论分析和实验数据,对一维有效热导率进行了修正,并把有效热导率计算公式应用到二维相变问题中。

    Based on the empirical equation of one-dimensional effective thermal conductivity within mathematical model of solid-liquid phase change , a modified equation of effective thermal conductivity is proposed and applied to solving the two-dimensional problem according to mathematical analysis and experimental data .