
  • 网络Destined person;Demo Re-Edit
  1. 你是否正在寻觅生命中那位特别的有缘人呢?

    Are you looking for that special someone in your life ?

  2. 希望能遇到有缘人。

    Hope can meet a nice ring .

  3. 同样,祝福每一个有缘人,在这里找到属于自己的伴侣!

    Similarly , I hope every person a chance in here to find their own partner !

  4. 希望为人谦和,热爱生活,热爱家庭的有缘人联系我。

    Wei Ren modest hope , love life , love of the family a nice ring to contact me .

  5. 寻找国内外有缘人,具体要求请看空间日志,有什么意见请发表。

    Looking for sub-tropical climate at home and abroad , and specific requirements see the log space , what comments should be made .

  6. 这次活动的现场气氛因而显得格外热络,泰国同修也藉此机会分送样书给有缘人。

    So the activity generated an exceptionally vibrant atmosphere , and the Thai initiates used this special occasion to distribute more sample booklets .

  7. 现将方法写出,希望更多有缘人能读此咒语,为过世的祖先超度,让他们得升西方极乐世界!

    I would like to write it down so that more can read the Mantra to help deliver your dead relatives to the World of Ultimate Bliss !

  8. 阿弥陀佛!这里是佛陀教育论坛的学习英文版块,欢迎国内外有缘人在此交流!

    Amitabha ! Here is study English version piece that Buddha educate the forum , Welcome the domestic and international decreeing by destiny the person here exchanges !

  9. 不一定,当然,如果通过沟通,能碰到有缘人是更好的一件事,平常心吧,一切顺其自然。

    Not necessarily , of course , if through communication can better meet Predestiny is one thing , the sense of balance bar , all letting nature take its course .

  10. 十分羡慕别人有家的感觉,一直为有个幸福的家而做着准备,希望遇到有缘人组成家庭。

    I envy those who have a family . I have been preparing to have a happy family . I hope to establish a family with a pre-destined man .