
kuà bù
  • step
跨步 [kuà bù]
  • (1) [step]

  • (2) 同跨

  1. IEEEstd80-1986和IEC-471-1都对接地系统的安全评估的标准进行了定义,且两种标准都是根据人体允许通过的电流进行定义,并将其转换为允许的接触电压和跨步电压。

    IEEE Std 80-1986 and IEC-479-1 are defined the standard of safety assessment of grounding systems . Both standards define safety criteria in terms of allowable body current . The allowable body current is then translated into the allowable touch and step voltages .

  2. 接地电阻测量值在0.028~0.029Ω,最大跨步电压小于2.5V,均没有超过设计水平。

    The earth resistance observed value is between 0.028 ~ 0.029 Ω . The biggest step voltage is smaller than 2.5 V , and not surpassed the design level .

  3. 冲击泄流时接地体附近跨步电压的FDTD分析

    FDTD Analysis of the Step-voltages near a Grounding Electrode under Impulse Current Discharge

  4. 开创性地运用有限元分析软件ANSYS来定量仿真发生单相对地短路后的跨步电压,仿真结果与理论计算结果基本吻合。

    The step voltage when the single phase short-circuit fault occur is calculated quantitatively with the finite element analysis software ANSYS .

  5. IP核的开发与积累已经成为我国跨步进入国际IC产业的一个关键的切入点。

    The development and accumulation of Intellectual Property ( IP ) is becoming a pivotal cut-in point for our country to enter the international IC industry .

  6. 结果表明,PD患者的左、右腿支撑期时间在较小的尺度上明显不对称,左、右腿跨步时间在所有尺度上都明显不对称。

    Obvious asymmetry between left stance time sequence and right stance time sequence on slight scales , and between left stride time sequence and right stride time sequence on all scales is observed from PD patients .

  7. 是的,今年迄今为止,她已经出演了97场“卡特夫人世界巡演”(Mrs.CarterWorldTour)演唱会——加上新专辑为其所造的声势,碧昂斯可能大跨步进入其业已功成名就的职业生涯中最为赚钱的一年。

    Indeed , she 's already played 97 shows on her Mrs. Carter World Tour this year-and , in combination with the buzz for her new album , that could catapult her to the most lucrative year of her already storied career .

  8. 为定量描述帕金森病(PD)对步态对称性的影响,分别将受试者的左、右腿支撑期时间和跨步时间组成序列对,用序列对的相似性来评价步态的对称性。

    To quantify the effect of Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) on gait symmetry , the similarities between left stance time sequence and right stance time sequence , also left stride time sequence and right stride time sequence , usually nonstationary and noisy , are evaluated respectively .

  9. 接地装置电位超过2000V就要对接触、跨步电位差进行验算,并采取隔离电位的措施,以及防止对低压设备的反击等。

    The measures to isolate potentials and to prevent the high potential to back-strike on to the low voltage equipments should be applied .

  10. 采取3m×3m均压网、块石、沥青混凝土地面填层等,以降低配电装置范围内的接触电压与跨步电压,保证运行安全。

    In order to lower contact voltage and cross voltage around switch device , to insure operation safety , we also take some measures , such as using voltage balance net with sizes 3m × 3m , block stone , asphalt concrete grouting layer on ground , etc.

  11. 1500m运动员专项素质地位依次为速度耐力因子、一般耐力因子、速度因子,下肢爆发力因子,典型指标为600m跑、5000m跑、100m跑和30m跨步跳。

    The order of specific capacity for 1 500 m runners was speed endurance , general endurance , speed and explosive power of low limbs . The typical index was 600 m running , 5 000 m running , 100 m running and 30 m hurdling step .

  12. 介绍了深圳10kV配电网中性点16Ω电阻接地方式运行条件下,人工单相接地故障,故障点接触电位差、跨步电位差的实测试验。

    The field tests of Touch Potential Difference ( TPD ) and Step Potential Difference ( SPD ) at the point of artificial single phase grounding fault are introduced , which is done on Shenzhen 10 kV distribution network with 16 Ω neutral point grounding resistor .

  13. 一个士兵跨步进来,他穿着一件长外套。

    A solider stepped in , dressed in a long coat .

  14. 高压电弧触电与跨步触电实验器

    Experimental Apparatus about High-voltage Electric Arc and Stride Getting an Electric Shock

  15. 下一个人跨步上前,成功地抢下了水瓶。

    The next person strides forward and successfully wrenches the bottle away .

  16. 那是我心中不灭的信念,在身背后大跨步走着。

    That is my imperishable belief striding on my back .

  17. 跨步电压演示实验设计及其解析

    Designing and Analysis of Showing Experiment about the Stepping Voltage

  18. 接触、跨步电位差都小于允许值。

    Both the contact and step potential differences are less than tolerance .

  19. 跳深跳远与三级跳远跨步跳起跳的动力学比较研究

    Kinetic Comparative Study on Taking-off of Depth-long-jump and Long Jump

  20. 那中士跨步离开了木板的那一头。

    The sergeant stepped off his end of the board .

  21. 地网接触电势和跨步电势的简化计算

    Simplified Formulae for Contact and Step Potential of Ground Grid

  22. 大型地网跨步电势的简化计算

    Simplified Calculation of Maximum Step Voltage in Large Ground Grid

  23. 我国优秀男子三级跳远运动员跨步跳技术运动学分析

    A Kinematical Analysis on Stepping Technique of Elite Male Triple Jumpers in China

  24. 他推开巴利斯坦·赛尔弥,一言不发地转身大跨步离去。

    Wordlessly , he turned and strode off , shoving past Barristan Selmy .

  25. 三级跳远运动员跨步跳踏跳效果的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Study on Steps ' take off of Hop Step and Jump Athletes

  26. 抢劫犯跨步来到乔治有栅窗的工作间。

    The robber stepped over to George 's cage .

  27. 镜像法在接地电阻与跨步电压计算中的应用

    Application of the Mirror Image Method in Calculating the Earth Resistance and Step Voltage

  28. 要移步左侧时,不是向左跨步。

    You want to move to the left , you don 't step left .

  29. 双层土壤地网最大接触与跨步电位差的解析公式

    Analytical Formula for Maximum Contact and Step Potential Difference in 2-layer Soil Ground Grids

  30. 我一星期做三次踩跨步健身操。

    I do step three times a week .