
xiǎo niú
  • calf;veal
小牛[xiǎo niú]
  1. 我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。

    I rubbed the velvety grooves inside the calf 's ears .

  2. 你看没看见那只母牛和它的小牛?

    Did you see the cow with her calf ?

  3. 小马驹和小牛犊围着饲养员欢蹦乱跳。

    The colts and calves are gambolling round the stockman .

  4. 古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。

    The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle .

  5. 小牛在生长的第一季里集中喂养

    The calves are grazed intensively during their first season .

  6. 而且我们看到它同实现基德向达拉斯小牛队。

    And we see it with bringing Jason Kidd to the Dallas Mavericks .

  7. 维生素B1对丙二醛修饰小牛血清白蛋白的影响

    Effects of Vitamin B_1 on Malondialdehyde Modifying Bovine Serum Albumin

  8. 小牛胸腺DNA与天青I相互作用研究

    Study on the interaction between azure and dsDNA from calf thymus

  9. 温度对中性红与小牛胸腺DNA相互作用的影响

    Temperature effect on interaction of neutral red with calf thymus DNA

  10. 小牛胸腺DNA与细胞色素C相互作用的电化学和光谱研究

    Study on Interaction between CT-DNA and Cytochrome C Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry

  11. 用脱脂奶粉代替小牛胸腺DNA进行核酸分子杂交

    Replacing DNA of Calf Thymus by the Skimmed Milk for Nucleic Acid Hybridization

  12. 氟化钠与小牛胸腺DNA直接结合作用的研究

    The study on the direct combining effect of sodium fluoride with calf thymus DNA

  13. 巯嘌呤金属配合物与小牛胸腺DNA的作用

    Study on the Mechanism of the Interaction between Mercaptopurine Metal Complexes and Calf Thymus DNA

  14. MicroCT观察小牛松质骨在兔体内的三维结构变化

    Researching the Three-dimensional Structure Change of Calf Trabecular Bone in Rabbit by Micro CT

  15. 抗疟药物氯奎、阿的平、四氢-9-氨基(口了)啶与双链小牛胸腺DNA的结合

    Binding of Chloroquine , Quinacrine and Tetrahydro - 9-amino - acridine to Double Stranded Calf-Thymus DNA

  16. 小牛胸腺素F5提取方法和体外活性测定方法的改进

    Modification of the purification method and in vitro bioassay of thymosin f_5

  17. 大鼠用小牛血清白蛋白(Bovineserumalbumin,BSA)进行免疫。

    Rats were immunized with bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) .

  18. 基于静电相互作用,以阳离子聚电解质为中介,将小牛胸腺DNA静电组装在羧基化多壁碳纳米管表面。

    Based on electrostatic interaction , calf thymus DNA was self-assembled on MWNTs-modified gold electrode via a cationic polyelectrolyte .

  19. 本文研究小牛胸腺DNA和组蛋白在体外低、高离子强度盐溶液中的动态缔合与解离。

    The association and dissociation of DNA and histone in vitro was related to the ionic strength of their solution environment .

  20. 利用紫外-可见光谱法、循环伏安法和黏度法研究了亮氨酸二肽与小牛胸腺DNA的相互作用。

    The interaction of leucine dipeptide with calf thymus DNA was studied by UV-visible spectroscopy , circulating voltammetry and viscosity measurement .

  21. 光谱法研究2-(4-二甲氨基苯基)-5-氟-6-吗啉-1-氢-苯并咪唑与小牛胸腺DNA的相互作用

    Spectroscopic Research on the Interaction of 2 - ( 4-Dimethylaminophenyl ) - 5-Fluoro-6 - ( Morpholin-4-yl ) - 1H-Benzimidazole and Calf Thymus DNA

  22. 实验结果表明,甲萘威可以嵌入小牛胸腺DNA的双链中形成DNA加合物,从而使甲萘威的荧光光谱发生猝灭。

    The experimental results showed that the carbaryl can be intercalated into the twin-screw structure of calf thymus DNA , forming ctDNA-carbaryl adducts .

  23. 不同温度下的猝灭常数说明小牛胸腺DNA对药物分子的荧光光谱存在静态猝灭;

    The quenching constants at different temperatures are well concluded that calf thymus DNA lead to the static and fluorescent quenching of pesticides ;

  24. •完成iOS7和OSX小牛的开发

    • completing IOS 7 and OS X Mavericks

  25. 采用小牛胸腺DNA修饰金电极并用纳米金增强了DNA在电极上的吸附量。

    We use calf-thymus DNA ( CT DNA ) to modify the gold electrode and colloid Au to enhance the DNA immobilization amount on the electrode .

  26. 结果:煤烟颗粒提取物可以导致小牛胸腺DNA和大鼠肺细胞DNA产生交联,并存在剂量-反应关系。

    Result : The Soot extraction can lead to interstrand DNA cross-links in calf thymus DNA and pulmonary cell DNA and there is the dose-responsive increase .

  27. 用胶原酶灌注消化,收集小牛主动脉内皮细胞(EC)进行传代培养。

    Arterial endothelial cells were obtained from bovine aorta by mild treatment with collagenase and medium perfusion .

  28. 提示在条件受限的医院可用补体灭活的人血清或小牛血清替代羊血用于Hp培养;

    Human serum or fetal calf serum may be used for Hp culture where sheep blood is not available .

  29. calf指的是年轻的小牛。

    A calf is a young cow .

  30. 在1999年NBA选秀大会上,王以第36位被达拉斯小牛队选中。

    Wang was picked by the Dallas Mavericks in the 1999 NBA Draft , chosen 36th overall .