
xiǎo jiǔ diàn
  • inn;public house
  1. 我正往回走时,遇到了小酒店的主人。

    As I was coming back , I met the owner of the public house .

  2. 我们走下山到了小酒店,在那儿见到了船长。

    We walked down the hill to the public house and met the captain there .

  3. 泰得斯小酒店舒适而又简洁。

    The Tides Inn is both comfortable and unpretentious .

  4. 1877年,左拉(Zola)来到这里,借以逃离世人对他的工人阶级酒鬼主题小说《小酒店》(L'Assommoir)的非议。

    In 1877 , Zola spent time here , escaping the polemics directed against his novel " L'Assommoir , " about a working-class alcoholic .

  5. 在法规的悉心保护之下,Noronha岛的生活十分安逸,岛上仅有几座小酒店和若干条路,由于路况很差,能租赁的只有沙滩车。

    Regulations have kept Noronha relaxed , with only small hotels and roads rough enough to make dune buggies the rental cars of choice .

  6. 他系住马,走进了小酒店。

    He tied up the horse and went into the inn .

  7. 他到当地的小酒店看望朋友们。

    He went down to his local Boozer to see his friends .

  8. 自《圣经》时代起,小酒店和酒馆就一直存在。

    There have been taverns and inns since Biblical times .

  9. 这家小酒店岂能替代得了豪华旅馆。

    The pub was no substitute for a luxury hotel .

  10. 她大概也看到了他进那家小酒店。

    Probably she had seen him go into the pub as well .

  11. 他们把那个老人赶出了小酒店。

    They chucked the old man out of the pub .

  12. 使他们迷惑不解的我们的那些争论如让英国小酒店的顾客们听到会。

    We had arguments which would have mystified the patrons in English pubs .

  13. 我在小酒店里听说。你赚了一大笔钱。

    I heard at junior 's Bodega you hit big on a number .

  14. 属于、关于或类似于小酒店。

    Of or relating to or resembling a bistro .

  15. 这小酒店有几种挺不错的散装啤酒。

    The pub has several good beers on draft .

  16. 浅析小酒店的特色经营

    Title Analysis on Characteristic Management of Small Wine Shop

  17. 这家小酒店是我叔叔过去常去的地方之一。

    This pub used to be one of my uncle 's favourite haunts .

  18. 他们的午餐时间是在烟雾腾腾的小酒店里度过的。

    They spend their lunch hours in smoky pubs .

  19. 我在一家乡村小酒店吃了午饭。

    I had lunch at a village pub .

  20. 他在一家小酒店闲坐,无意中瞧见两个人在河上划船。

    At a small inn he idly watches two people boating on the river .

  21. 那个小酒店总是挤满了苏格兰佬。

    That pub 's always full of joks .

  22. 一位陌生人来到一家乡村小酒店。

    To the village inn a stranger came .

  23. 小酒店通常聘一位外面的会计师定期核对账本。

    A small hotel usually employs an outside accountant to check its books periodically .

  24. invest:投资strip:脱衣舞的joint:关节;[俚语]下流娱乐场所(如赌窟、小酒店等)你想要你的父亲投资脱衣舞酒吧?

    Blair : You want your dad to invest in a strip joint ? -

  25. 小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民。

    The pub was full of tweedy farmers .

  26. 一天晚上,我无意中走进一家叫“双狮”的小酒店。

    One night I 'd dropped into a little wine shop called the two lions .

  27. 维妮佛梨德觉得见识一下这个远近闻名的小酒店倒也“有趣”。

    Winifred had thought it would be " amusing " to see this far-famed hostelry .

  28. 夏季的12周对大多数饭店和小酒店来说是极为重要的。

    The twelve weeks of summer were critical to most of the restaurants and pubs .

  29. 在小酒店,经理可能亲自做簿记。

    In a small establishment , the manager may take care of the bookkeeping himself .

  30. 有的小酒店保持两种传统形式即大众吧和沙龙吧。

    Some pubs maintain the traditional division into two parts & a public bar and a saloon bar .