
jì sù shēnɡ
  • boarder;resident student
寄宿生 [jì sù shēng]
  • [boarder] 住宿生,指住在学校宿舍中的学生

  1. 一位名叫卡尔的寄宿生站在地上,为该情景钦佩不已。

    Standing on the floor , a young boarder named Carl was admiring the view .

  2. 作为一个真正的寄宿生,你知道你的脚是你的工具和工匠需要好好照顾他的工具。

    As a real boarder , you know that your feet are your tools and a craftsman takes good care of his tools .

  3. 牢骚满腹的寄宿生要求与厨师会面。

    The grumbling boarders requested a meeting with the cook .

  4. 学校放假,其他寄宿生都回家了。

    School broke up , all the boarders went home .

  5. 学期结束,寄宿生都回家了。

    School broke up , the boarders went home .

  6. 基于以上观点,我赞成寄宿生带手机来学校。

    Based on the above , I agree with you to bring mobile .

  7. 乔是一个走读学生,而我是一个寄宿生。

    Joe is a day student , but I am a boarding student .

  8. 在上学时你是走读生还是寄宿生?

    When you went to school were you a day-student or did you board ?

  9. 浙江省教师带寄宿生问题研究

    Research on the Problems of Students ' Boarding at the Teachers ' in Zhejiang Province

  10. 其他的事情可能发生在膝关节较为普遍对滑雪者和寄宿生的半月板撕裂。

    The other thing can occur more commonly in the knee towards skiers and boarders was meniscus tear .

  11. 在被承认的学校中近40%的学生是寄宿生,而在公立学校中寄宿生只有1%。

    Nearly 40 % of pupils in " recognized " schools are boarders as compared with 1 % in maintained schools .

  12. 而且“一补”政策只落实到学校正规考试录取的寄宿生中的特困生。

    It is the poor students among those boarding school and enrolled through the formal examination that can be favored the policy .

  13. 继续对贫困家庭学生免费提供教科书并补助寄宿生生活费。

    We will also continue to provide free textbooks to students from poor families and living allowances to poor students residing on campus .

  14. 位于清莱市外的央巴宝区,有一所幼儿园、小学一体化的学校,该校约有400名走读生和寄宿生。

    The kindergarten and primary school in Wiang PaPao district , just outside the city of Chiang Rai , has about 400 day students and boarders .

  15. 对寄宿生学业成就与焦虑的相关分析结果显示了语文成绩与焦虑显著负相关,数学成绩与焦虑水平呈弱正相关。

    The analysis about anxiety and scholarship shows Chinese score and anxiety are in obviously negative correlation , Math score scholarship and anxiety is weakly positively correlation .

  16. 靴子是最重要的一环,寄宿生的硬件,让他们的权利,你就可以改善你的骑术突飞猛进。

    Boots are the most important aspect of a boarders hardware , get them right and you 'll be able to improve your riding in leaps and bounds .

  17. 农村小学寄宿生是一个既不同于一般儿童,又不同于留守儿童和流动儿童的一个特殊群体。从某种意义上来说,这一群体的处境较留守儿童和流动儿童更为不利。

    The resident students of countryside primary school are different from general children , and also differ from the floating children or unattended children , they are a special group .

  18. 城镇高级中学里来自农村的那一批批高中寄宿生,是值得当今社会关注的一个学生群体。

    Content : Living in the senior middle school dormitories are mostly the boarding students from the countryside , who need to take three years of hard-working to pursue their studies .

  19. 这所学校有寄宿生300人,走读生150人.如果国际学生无法寄来原件,也可寄来成绩单复印件。

    This school has 300 boarders and 150 day pupils . In the case where official transcripts cannot be sent , international applicants are permitted to send photocopies of the transcripts .

  20. 艾伦所在的西科特学院,从1920年才开始接收寄宿生,但现在却已经形成了监督生,小弟,厕所里的狠打,和弱肉强食的自然法则。

    Westcott House , which Alan joined , had taken its first boarders only in 1920 , and yet already existed as though the traditional prefects and ' fags ' and beatings in the washroom were laws of nature .

  21. 目前仅有的另一位寄宿生潘基小姐因为当着来访客人的面三次呼呼地吸气,在这之前已经被领到城堡地牢(这是后面的一个空房间,专用来作为惩罚的场所)里去了。

    Miss Pankey , the only other little boarder at present , had that moment been walked off to the Castle Dungeon ( an empty apartment at the back , devoted to correctional purposes ) , for having sniffed thrice , in the presence of visitors .

  22. 研究的意义在于可以更加全面地了解寄宿生的身心发展情况,丰富青少年自主性发展的研究体系,为家长引导中学寄宿生的健康发展提供理论依据。

    The significance of the study is that it can get more holistic understanding of the development of the resident students , and also can enrich adolescent autonomy research system , to provide a theoretical basis for parents to guide the resident students ' healthy development .

  23. 方法:选择济南外国语学校寄宿高中生421人,用称重法进行膳食调查,以Rohrer指数进行营养评价。

    Methods : Diet surveys and evaluation of nutritional status of 421 students living in Jinan Foreign Language School were made through weighing and Rohrer index .

  24. 上海市七宝中学寄宿民族高中生膳食营养状况分析

    Nutritional analysis of boarding senior high school students of minor nations in Qibao high school Shanghai

  25. 寄宿制高中生生活满意度的总体及六个维度的状况处于中上水平。

    Boarding high school students overall life satisfaction and the six dimensions of the situation in the upper level . 3 .

  26. 小学寄宿与非寄宿生血清钙缺乏检出率分别为73.91%和78.95%。

    And in primary school students , the prevalence rate of serum calcium deficiency was 73.91 % and 78.95 % for boarders and non-boarders .

  27. 中学寄宿与非寄宿生血清钙缺乏检出率分别为6.52%和21.95%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);肥胖检出率分别为3.39%和14.29%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    The prevalence rates of serum calcium deficiency and obesity were significantly higher among the middle school non-boarders than the boarders ( 21.95 % vs 6.52 % , 14.29 % vs 3.39 % ) .

  28. 寄宿制和非寄宿制学校高中生心理健康状况比较

    Comparative study on the mental health state between students in boarding and nonboarding senior middle school

  29. 寄宿制与非寄宿制学校初中生心理健康状况比较上海市寄宿制高级中学办学效益的研究

    A Comparative Research on the Mental Health Status between Boarding and Non-Boarding Students in Junior High School

  30. 结果甲状腺肿大率(甲肿率),寄宿学生为13.02%,走读学生为4.63%,寄宿生甲肿率明显高于走读生,尤以女寄宿生为高,达18.82%;

    Results The goiter rate of non lodging pupils is 4.63 % , and of lodging pupils is 13.02 % , especially of the female lodging pupils the rate is 18.82 % . There is significant difference between the lodging and non lodging pupils .