
  • 网络register configurations
  1. 软件设计包括:CMOS图像传感器寄存器配置、图像解码器、地址译码器、时序逻辑控制及寄存器控制。

    The software design including : CMOS image sensors register configuration , image decoder , address decoder , timing logic control and register control .

  2. 其中,CMOS图像传感器寄存器配置要遵循SCCB总线协议。

    Thereinto this CMOS image sensor configuration must follow the SCCB bus protocol .

  3. 详细阐述了VIENNA主电路参数计算及器件选型、控制电路设计、DSP寄存器配置及PID函数。

    The VIENNA main circuit parameter calculation and device type selection , design of control circuit , DSP registers configuration and the PID function are elaborated in detail .

  4. 如果寄存器配置不正确,可能编译运行都正确,但结果不对。

    If the configuration register is not correct , may be compiled to run correctly , but the result wrong .

  5. 论文详细阐述了数字控制电路中的寄存器配置模块、数据发送控制逻辑状态机、反转不归零编码模块、比特填充器模块、并行转串行模块的实现原理和方法。

    The paper elaborated on the register configuration of the digital control circuit module , and send data to the control logic state machine , the NRZI module , bit stuffing module , parallel to serial module implementation of principles and methods .

  6. 对PCI接口的方式进行分析比较,研究PCI配置寄存器的配置方式,给出一个应用实例。

    After analyzing various methods of PCI Interfacing , the configuration register is studied and an applying example is given .

  7. 在软件部分,讨论了对智能卡接口模块寄存器的配置、传输协议的解析以及MIPS处理器中断的应用。

    In the part of software module , smart card interface register configuration , transmission protocol parse and the applications of MIPS interrupt are discussed .

  8. 介绍了音频模拟接口芯片TLC320AD50C的原理和使用注意事项,以及TMS320VC5402串行口的主要特点,并且详细分析了TMS320VC5402控制寄存器的配置和工作过程。

    The TLC320AD50C principles and main characteristic of the serial port of TMS320VC5402 are introduced and the configuration of control registers and their process of operation are analyzed .

  9. JTAG定义的边界扫描机制是一种新型的VLSI电路测试及可测试性设计方法,JTAG规范广泛用于芯片内部数据寄存器的配置,可编程芯片的程序下载等。

    JTAG defines the standard of boundary-scan technique , which is a new effective way to test and design the testability of VLSI circuits . Also JTAG standard can be popularly used to configure some data registers inside chips and download the programs of PLDs .

  10. 同时,通过对传感器芯片内部相关命令寄存器的配置和单片机的时序控制,实现片内OSD功能。

    Meanwhile , through the internal related command registers of the sensor chip to configuration and timing control of MCU to achieve OSD function . On the other hand , also in the MCU , SPI communication mechanism used to achieve communication between with the FPGA .

  11. 共存方案的主要从以下几个方面加以阐述:仲裁器的硬件的设计,时序图的设计,寄存器的配置,软件的设计,调度算法的设计等。

    The coexistence scheme mainly included : the design of arbiter hardware , the design of timing diagram , the configuration of registers , software design , scheduling algorithm design .

  12. 经过验证,该设计可以实现对总线接口芯片寄存器的正确配置和读取操作;与总线测试设备连接正常,数据通讯正确。

    The test validated the registers of LLC and PHY operated correctly , bus connection with testing device established successfully and data traffic accurately .

  13. 熟悉VXI寄存器基器件的配置寄存器结构,VXI地址空间映射原理;

    Known well VXIbus criterion , the structure of configure register and VXI address mapped theory .

  14. 该接口模块支持AMBA总线协议,具有DMA接口,内部的配置寄存器支持用户灵活配置分辨率、显示控制时序等参数。

    This type of interface support AMBA bus protocol . DMA interface was also integrated in the interface module . Users can set the differentiate-rate and the display timing parameter by reconfigure internal registers of LCD controller .

  15. 其次,给出了基于PCI9052的板卡的配置方法,包括地址范围寄存器、基址寄存器、与片选控制寄存器的配置。

    Secondly , the collocation method of the board was introduced , thus the configuration of address rage register , base register and chip selection control register was involved .