
  • 网络Gate position;gate binary;Exit;DOOR STATUS SENSOR;parking gate
  1. 基于早迟门位同步环的FPGA实现

    Bit Synchronization Loop Based on Early-late Gate by FPGA

  2. 用基本的两位量子逻辑门实现n位量子逻辑门的功能

    Two-bit Quantum Gates to Implement N-bit Quantum Gates

  3. 通过与支持同样传输协议的总线的性能比较表明,相对于传统的共享总线,该总线可以节省15%以上的总线时间。该总线已成功地用于一款百万门级32位SoC的设计。

    We design an efficient pipelined bus from the analysis results , and compare its efficiency with that of the bus which performs the same transport protocols but do not support the pipeline , and mention one of its implementations on 32-bit SoC with millions of gates .

  4. 旅行从来都是流浪的代名词,那些旅行者们点亮了无数的灯,敲开了无数的门,只位寻找一个家。

    Traveling is another saying of wandering , those travelers lighten up thousands of lights , opened up thousands of doors , searching for home only .

  5. 但凡彼类类,都外亮培训教导的和略性位放和做为一门职业范畴位放反在齐球范围外的确立。

    Any this kind , all express the training educational strategic position and conduct and actions an occupation realm position to really sign in the global scope .

  6. 于是我敲响了小屋的门,一位叫玛丽史密斯的女士接待了我,然后她带我去树林中走走。

    So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door , being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods .

  7. 演门城里有位仁兄,当他双亲过世时,他披头散发,不剃胡须,整天哭号,将自已弄的形容憔悴,一副伤心欲绝的样子。

    In the town of Yanmen , there was a man , when his parents passed away , he disguised the look of grief by wearing his hair disheveled , not shaving off his beard and crying all day and night .

  8. 我打开门,看到一位妇人,明亮的双眼既犀利又透着愉快。

    I opened the door upon a woman with bright eyes somewhere between fierce and merry .

  9. 教室门前的停车位是空的,屋里所有的竖式窗帘都拉了下来。

    The parking lot in front was empty , the vertical blinds in all the windows drawn .

  10. 门卡霍尔是一位较不知名的国王,他是最后一位修建一座名为“Akhet-Re”太阳神庙的法老。

    Menkauhor was a relatively obscure king and was the last pharaoh to build a sun temple called Akhet-Re .

  11. 在程序中判断进入的是车辆还是人,如果是人则自动门开启,停车位不进行加减。

    In a program in judgment entered is vehicles or , if is automatic door open , parking space is not to add and subtract .

  12. 从中我们可以发现,不论是一门艺术还是一位艺术家,传承与融合两个因素总是不离不弃地贯穿在其发展的整个过程中,并对其发展起着巨大的推动作用。

    We are able to see that both the inheritance and the mixture is the theme of the development of an artistic style or an artist .

  13. 当他正这样看着的时候,一辆轻便四轮马车来到门前,一位举止庄重、穿着黑衣服、挂着一条沉甸甸的表链子的先生下了马车,走进屋里去。

    While he was thus engaged , a chariot drove to the door , and a portly gentleman in black , with a heavy watch-chain , alighted , and went in .

  14. 本文给出了该系统对不同的电路形式在不同的器件参数下的模拟结果,为我们的GaAs600门门阵列,四位同步计数器电路等课题的成功研制,发挥了重要的作用。

    The simulation results were presented for two circuits with different device parameters . It was proved that this method is helpful in studying and manufacturing the 600 gate GaAs gate-array and 4-bit synchronized count devices .

  15. 有消息说这些文件----据说是狮门影业的一位知情者匿名提供给联邦调查局的----包括电子邮件通信,备忘录以及表明高管阶层大范围疏忽的金融记录。

    Sources said the documents-reportedly turned over to the FBI by an anonymous informant at Lionsgate Films-include email correspondence , memos , and financial records indicating the vast extent of negligence on the part of top-level management , who ,

  16. 提出采用Heaviside函数建立可精确描述门限门行为的数学模型,该数学模型可描述门限门的置位、复位行为。

    Heaviside function was proposed to create a precise arithmetic model of the threshold gate . The model can describe both the set and reset behavior of the threshold gate .