
mén quàn
  • entrance ticket
  1. 从今天开始,广大市民可以预先购买世博会的个人入场门券。

    Starting from today , individual tickets of the Shanghai Expo are available for sale to the general public .

  2. 抢救古城西安古城墙抗倾覆稳定性及城门券洞承载力分析

    Rescue the ancient cities Analyses on the stability of Xi'an city wall and the bearing capacity of the gate arch

  3. 旅游门券具有观赏性、趣味性、艺术性、知识性和史料性等特性,因而具有重要的收藏与展览的功用。

    Tourist entrance tickets are full of interest , knowledge and enjoyment for the eyes , and are also very good historical materials .