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  • 网络RPMP;sand pipe
  1. 为提高玻璃钢夹砂管道的生产效率,降低生产及管理成本,研制了基于Internet的夹砂管道CAD/CAM系统。

    In order to improve production efficiency and reduce production and management cost , CAD / CAM system based on Internet is developed to produce FRPM pipes .

  2. 计算结果表明,辛庄泵站采用的直径1.8m的玻璃钢夹砂管道,其各项指标完全符合工程实际需要。

    The results indicate that the use of fibreglasses yields pipeline with diameter of 1.8 m , can meet the need of the project .

  3. 大力开发应用玻璃钢夹砂管道

    Development and application of FRP sand - filled pipes

  4. 玻璃钢夹砂管道在复杂地质地形供水工程中的应用

    Sand sandwiched GRP pipes in the complex geological and terrain water supply project

  5. 承插口玻璃钢夹砂管道安全阀设计理论

    Safety Valve Design Theory for Bell and Spigot Joint for FW RPM Pipe

  6. 浅谈玻璃钢夹砂管道

    On Fiberglass Reinforced Mortar Pipework FRPM PIPE EQUIPMENT

  7. 计算机辅助设计在玻璃钢夹砂管道设计中的应用

    Application of CAD in RPM Pipe Design

  8. 玻璃钢夹砂管道(以下简称夹砂管)是玻璃纤维与合成树脂及石英砂的复合体。

    The sand inclusion glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe takes thermosetting resin as base body , take glass fibre and its products as reinforced material .

  9. 探讨了玻璃钢夹砂管道的波动压力、许用挠曲度、挠曲预测值、组合载荷以及屈曲的校验计算方法和计算过程。

    And the calculating methods and course was explored also , including the surge pressure , allowable deflection , predicted bending value , combined load and bending load .

  10. 本文简要介绍了玻璃钢夹砂管道的特性,并就规范中涉及的水力计算、施工要求和管道安装后径向挠曲量的检查等内容作了较详尽的说明。

    Abstract Some bottleneck problems in the application of sand doped fiber glass reinforced plastic pipes such as the characteristics of the material , the hydraulic calculation related to the design norm , the requirement in construction , the checking routine of radial after installation are formulated in detail .