
  1. 结果表明:莫来石-富硅玻璃系样品有效低的介电常数ε,但介质损耗tgδ偏高。

    Experimental results show that the mullite ceramics with additives of rich-silica glass possesses lower dielectric constant but slightly higher dissipation .

  2. 以钯-银电阻(Pd-Ag玻璃系)材料为研究对象,分析了厚膜电阻常见的4种导电机理,为我们理解厚膜电阻的导电过程提供了帮助。

    Taking the material of Pd - Ag resistor as the research object , this article analyses four kinds of conducting mechanism of thick - film resistor .

  3. 水玻璃系无机建筑涂料用新型硬化剂

    A low cost hardener for silicate building paints

  4. 水玻璃系混凝土养护剂的研究

    Research on water glass concrete curing compound

  5. Cf/SiC复合材料用玻璃陶瓷系抗氧化涂层的设计、制备与性能研究

    Design , Preparation and Performance of Oxidation Resistant Coatings Based on Glass-ceramics for C_f / SiC Composites

  6. 玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。

    Cellophane is made of long , fibrous molecules .

  7. 经调查,该机构确认玻璃裂纹系由尖锐物体带来的外力造成的,栈道玻璃为三层特制钢化玻璃,其中一层出现裂纹。

    The inspectors determined that a sharp object had cracked one of the three layers of glass on the walkway .

  8. 聚氨酯玻璃纤维软管系采用无碱玻璃纤维编织成管,并涂以改性聚氨酯树脂经加热烘干而成的F级绝缘软管。

    Fiberglass sleeving coated with polyurethane is manufactured with non-alkali fiberglass braided sleeving and coated with a layer of polyurethane and than thermoset to form F grade insulating sleeving .

  9. 建筑镀膜玻璃简单膜系结构设计及其光谱特性计算

    Design of Simple Thin Film Systems and Calculation of Spectral Behavior of Architecture Coated Glass

  10. 结果显示,实验测得的多孔微晶玻璃的导热系数值与理论导热系数之间具有较好的一致性。

    The results showed that the thermal conductivity of porous glass-ceramics obtained from experiments coincided well with the theory value .

  11. 博山出土的元末明初的玻璃基本为K2OCaOSiO2系玻璃,并采用了Cu,Fe等微量元素作为着色剂。

    While all the glasses unearthed from Boshan primarily belong to K_ ( 2 ) OCaOSiO_ ( 2 ) system , with the Cu and Fe ions as the main coloring elements .

  12. 将果粒切成小块,裹上细白砂糖,装入漂亮的糖果玻璃瓶,外面系上丝带和礼品签。

    Cut these pastilles into small squares , toss in caster sugar and pack into pretty glass candy jars tied with ribbons and a gift tag .

  13. Ce3+掺杂的稀土硼酸盐玻璃对Ce3+荧光玻璃本系是一个有益的补充。

    Ce 3 + doped rare earth glasses is a kind of beneficial supplement for Ce 3 + fluorescence glasses system .

  14. 研究表明,通过调节水玻璃的模数与掺量,可使水玻璃一矿渣系水泥的强度达到50MPa,且凝结时间正常。

    The study indicated , through the adjustment of glass water module and mixing rate , the strength of the glass water-slag series cement can reach up to 50 MPa , while the setting is normal .

  15. 玻璃纤维是由许许多多精细的玻璃丝组成。玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。

    Glass fiber is a mass of very fine strands of glass . Cellophane is made of long , fibrous molecules .