
  • 网络The Glass House;glasshouse
  1. 阳光房俗称玻璃房,是非传统建筑,它的建筑立面一般是用阳光板的,也可全部选择玻璃的。

    Commonly known as sun room glass house , non-traditional architecture , its facade is generally used to light board can also select all the glass .

  2. 好比在大冬天里,没有足够的资源来建造一个玻璃房,怎么能种西瓜呢?建造玻璃房,需要花费大量人力物力,而且要花很多时间。

    Just like in winter , if the sufficient resources is absence , how to construct glass home ? How to obtain Watermelon ? The construction of the glass house would spend a great deal of manpower and material resources , and spend a lot of time .

  3. 空气会变得特别炎热干燥,特别是在一个小玻璃房里。

    It can become extremely hot and dry , specially in a small glasshouse

  4. 但是在高线(HighLine)附近的Equinox健身房,男用蒸汽室是突出来的:它是一个玻璃房,把盥洗区和淋浴区分隔开。

    This is the steam room . But at the Equinox abutting the High Line , the men 's steam room instead intrudes : It is a glass box that presents itself as a wall dividing the sink area and shower area .

  5. 夏洛特你能陪女士们去玻璃房

    Charlotte , would you escort the ladies to the conservatory

  6. 在玻璃房里躲着挺难的,不是吗?

    Kind of difficult in a glasshouse , no ?

  7. 其中最引人注目的是玻璃房;

    The centrepiece is the glass room ;

  8. 这里的高科技实验室和超现代的玻璃房令加利福尼亚州的帕洛阿尔托市看起来像古代城市;

    Its high-tech laboratories and ultra-modern glass houses make California 's Palo Alto look ancient .

  9. 在包含了玻璃房的办公室,唐讲解了设备和如何维护国家电压。

    In the office containing the screened room , Tang described the equipment and how he maintains the national volt .

  10. 2010年12月28日在中国北部的内蒙古自治区乌海市金沙湾,沙漠里耸立的类似水塔的塔筒格外醒目,塔筒下是一个玻璃房。

    2010-12-28 A water-tower-like chimney is eye catching in the desolate desert , where under the chimney is a glass-made house sitting above the ground .

  11. 首先,在原入口和三楼加建的部分,新的设计加入了数个比较突出的几何玻璃体,来“融解”旧玻璃房原有的外形。

    A series of geometric glass volumes were introduced to replace the main entrance and to extend part of the third floor , dissolving the predictable form of the original glass pavilion .

  12. 盖里说:我们跟他谈到了地点的问题,显然它必须是一个适合放在花园里的建筑,遵循19世纪的玻璃房或者温室传统。

    Mr. Gehry said , We talked to him about the site , and it was clear that it had to be something that fits into a garden , something in the tradition of a 19th-century glass pavilion or conservatory .

  13. 盖里说:“我们跟他谈到了地点的问题,显然它必须是一个适合放在花园里的建筑,遵循19世纪的玻璃房或者温室传统。”

    Mr. Gehry said , " We talked to him about the site , and it was clear that it had to be something that fits into a garden , something in the tradition of a 19th-century glass pavilion or conservatory . "

  14. 这座宅院拥有私家网球场及游泳池,他们还可以在新建的玻璃园景房里享受星光晚餐。

    The house boasts its own tennis court and swimming pool , as well as a new glazed garden room which allows them to dine under the stars .

  15. 你可以给窗户加上双层玻璃来防止房里的热散失。

    You can insulate a house against heat loss by having the windows double-glazed .

  16. 即使是在楼市见顶的2014年初以前,钢铁、水泥和玻璃等许多房地产相关行业也已遭遇长期的产能过剩。

    Even before the property market peaked at the start of 2014 , many of the industries that feed it such as steel , cement and glass were already suffering from chronic overcapacity .

  17. 在80年代初,母亲在翻修和扩建房子时又新添加了中央空调系统,并且建了一个安有大量玻璃的阳光房。

    There 's also central air conditioning that my mother added as an afterthought when she renovated and enlarged the place in the early ' 80s . And a sunroom with lots of glass .

  18. 该料房最大生产能力50吨/天,适合于中小型玻璃厂的料房作业。

    This batch house with a processing capacity up to 50 tons per day is suitable for small glass factory in our country .

  19. 同时我们也开展中空玻璃,夹胶玻璃与淋浴房产品的生产和出口。

    We mainly produce and export furniture , tempered glass and relevent products .