
  1. 然后那个特别的一天如潮水般拥入了我的认知里。

    And then the previous day flooded back into my awareness .

  2. 因为那会是很特别的一天

    Because it 's gonna be a very special day .

  3. 因此,这一天对老师和学生来说都是特别的一天。

    This day is special for teachers and students , thanks to Confucius .

  4. 你呢?在这特别的一天里你喜欢些什么?

    What about you ? What appeals to you on this special day ?

  5. 至于我老妈,嗯,通过这特别的一天证明,

    And as for my mother , well , to this very day ,

  6. 今天真是一个既高兴又特别的一天。

    Today is a good and special day !

  7. 所以请确保孩子不要缺席这非常特别的一天哦!

    Please be sure your child is here to participate on this special day !

  8. 我将永远记住这特别的一天。

    I 'll never forget that special day .

  9. 这是最特别的一天。

    Is his most favourite day .

  10. 黄昏时,屋顶燃放烟花,与朋友共进晚餐来度过特别的一天。

    At nightfall , fireworks on the rooftop , a dinner with friends mark their special day .

  11. 愿快乐拥抱你,在这属于你的特别的一天,生日快乐!

    Wish to embrace you happily , belong to a special day of yours here , happy birthday !

  12. 这一天在中国是特别的一天,因为新与旧在这天夜里交替。

    It is an extraordinary day in China because the old year and new year meet during this night .

  13. 这是最特别的一天,是爱情使一切看起来都不一样。

    This has been a most unusual day . Love has made me see things in a different way .

  14. 我们无法用言语描述您对我们是多么重要,在这特别的一天,我们祝您父亲节快乐!

    Words can 't tell how much you mean to us . We wish you happiness on this special day .

  15. 其实每天早上我们睁开眼睛时,都要告诉自己这是特别的一天。

    In fact , every morning when we open our eyes , we must tell ourselves this is the special day .

  16. 在这特别的一天,一个女士高声说到:“格雷格,你是一个男人。”

    So on this particular day , one of the ladies pipes up with , " Greg , you 're a guy . "

  17. 或者如果你相当慷慨,你可能会邀你母亲出去并款待她度过特别的一天。

    This might be a visit to the theatre , a shopping trip , or perhaps a pampering spa day to rest and relax .

  18. 他说:对于我的家人来说,今天是特别的一天,也因此我们可以像这样团聚在一起。

    He said : ' It has been a special day for my family and for us all to be able to come together like this .

  19. 我们友好的工作人员将随时为您提供所有您需要的信息来选择适合您的特别的一天字幕你。

    Our friendly staff are always on hand to provide you with all the information you need to choose the right marquee for your special day .

  20. 在这特别的一天,我想说我为您感到骄傲,爸爸,谢谢您为我做的一切,我爱你。

    On this special day , I want to say I 'm proud of you , appreciate all you 've done for me and I love you .

  21. 为庆祝这特别的一天,女王穿了粉红色的套装。当时她在距伦敦250英里(400公里)远的北约克郡参加一个正式活动。

    The queen marked the occasion by wearing a pink ensemble while carrying out an official engagement in North Yorkshire , 250 miles ( 400 kilometers ) north of London .

  22. 索非亚后来的影片《卡桑德拉大桥》(1976年)、《特别的一天》(1977年)和《高级成衣》(1994年)为她获得更广泛的尊敬。

    Sophia gained wider respect with her later movies like " Cassandra Crossing "( 1976 )," Una Giornata Particolare "( 1977 ) and " Pret a Porter "( 1994 ) .

  23. 现在很多公司在每周或每月都有那么特别的一天,这天员工可以穿象仔裤和运动鞋等休闲服,这样员工可以放松,从而工作更有效。

    These days some offices have a special day each week or month when you can wear casual clothes like jeans and sneakers . This helps the staff to relax and work more efficiently .

  24. 这是迈阿密美国移民法庭特别的一天,上午就要快速审理36个孩子的案件,而下午则是30多个,但只有4名法官。

    It 's a typical day at the U.S. immigration court in Miami , there were 36 children on the docket in the morning and 30 more in the afternoon - with just four judges .

  25. 也许今天在别人眼中是不特别的一天,但对我来说却是很特别的一天&因为伟大的亚纶妈妈把我最爱的炎亚纶给诞生出来了!

    Perhaps today in the eyes of others is not a special day , but for me it is a very special day-because the great Aaron mom took me to a favorite Aaron was born out !

  26. 你也将得到两个小吃,每天与膳食计划,目的是灵活,您可以享受多种的基础上,什么听起来不错给你的任何特别的一天。

    You will also get two snacks each day and with meal plans that are designed to be flexible , you can enjoy a variety , based on what sounds good to you on any particular day .

  27. 维多利亚•贝克汉姆也许会在她的39岁生日时与她的儿子们以及哈珀一起度过特别的一天。但我们却用这一天来追忆她的风格,并辩论哪个着装时代是最好的。

    Victoria Beckham may be spending her 39th birthday " having a special day with my boys and Harper , " but we 're spending it reminiscing about her style and debating which outfit era was best .

  28. 你有没碰过特别倒霉的一天?

    Have you ever had a really bad day ?

  29. 也许,在特别困难的一天,某人提到的一些话给你少有的动力,写下来。

    Maybe during a particularly tough day someone mentions some saying that gives you a rare boost of motivation , write it down .

  30. 在一个特别忙碌的一天,公司接他去机场做商务旅行的直升飞机都到了,他依然门户紧闭不见出来。

    On an exceptionally hectic day , he was still behind closed doors when the company helicopter arrived to take him to the airport for a business trip .