
  1. 我公司是美国通用电气(ge)照明、特种光源中国经销商。

    Our company is the China dealer of lighting and special light source of General Electric ( GE ) .

  2. 研究成功制造具有刃口形边缘,成卷钼箔带的新工艺及设备,实现了高品质特种光源制造中这一关键材料的国产化。

    The new technology and equipment with the edge of the knife and molybdenum foil were made successfully .

  3. 紫外光作为一种特种光源,被广泛地应用于生活和生产中的各个方面。

    Ultraviolet light is widely used in all aspects of life and production as a kind of special light source .

  4. 多年来,我公司与各个医疗器械厂,投影机厂家,电影机械厂、汽车厂、特种光源厂配套深受好评。

    Over the years , we cooperated with many medical care companies , projector manufacturers , movie machinery factories , automobile plants and special lighting plants very well .