
  • 网络Eine einfache Geschichte;Une histoire simple
  1. 它们如今已经是很普通的故事了。

    They are common stories these days .

  2. 它能为一个普通的戏剧故事洗礼,使之变得更为隆重、神秘、含义深刻。

    It acts like performing ablution to a plain dramatic tale and making it to be solemn , mysterious and meaningful .

  3. 这本杂志的读者说他们想多看一些普通人的故事而少看一些关于富人和名人的故事。

    Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and less stories about the rich and famous .

  4. 海明威用朴素的语言,不动声色地讲着普普通通的故事,而把自己的真实意图藏得深深的。

    The writer told the story in a simple and plain style , calm and collected , with his true intentions remaining profoundly hidden .

  5. 小说描述了不同概念上的空间距离,讲述了一个普通家庭的故事,然而却蕴涵着深远的哲学道理。

    Although the novel depicted space in different concepts and told a simple story of a common family , it implied a profound philosophical truth .

  6. 现在,我正在另一真实故事里。一个有关一位可怜,看起来普通老妇人的故事。

    Now , I 'm coming to another true story . It 's about a poor , ordinary looking old woman .

  7. 情感故事节目以讲述名人或普通人的情感故事为选材,直指大众内心的情感世界,为社会转型期的人们提供了情感表达和交流的话语空间。

    Emotional story program , which focus on emotional stories of celebrities or ordinary people , provides emotional expression and exchange of discourse space in transition society .

  8. 我花了两天的时间去聆听那些和你我一样的普通人分享的清零故事。

    I spent two days hearing stories about cleaning by average people like you and me .

  9. 奥巴马经常在演讲中引用普通美国民众的小故事,拉近自己与听众的距离,增加演讲的亲和力。

    Obama often narrates stories about ordinary Americans in his speeches to shorten the distance between himself and the audience .

  10. 无论我干什么,我总是想办法记下来。我愿意分享和记录人们的故事,就是普普通通老百姓的故事。

    My search is always to find ways to chronicle , to share and to document stories about people , just everyday people .

  11. 自建国初期以来,美国便充满了由敢于追梦的普通人所谱写的故事。我们就是这样赢得了未来。

    From the earliest days of our founding , America has been the story of ordinary people who dare to dream . That 's how we win the future .