
  • 网络propess;pepidil
  1. 产妇和胎儿因素对普贝生临床效果的影响

    The Influence of Factors From Puerpera and Fetus for Clinical Efficacy of Propess

  2. 结论普贝生可安全、有效地用于足月引产。

    Conclusion Propess can be used for induction of term pregnancy effectively and safely .

  3. 控释前列腺素E2-普贝生用于足月妊娠引产的疗效观察

    Controlled-release prostaglandin E_2-Clinical evaluation of Propess for the efficacy of induction of labor in term pregnancy

  4. 控释前列腺素E2栓剂普贝生用于足月引产的临床研究目的探讨控释前列腺素E2栓剂普贝生用于足月引产的有效性及安全性。

    Clinical evaluation of propess for induction of term pregnancy Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of continuously released prostaglandin E_2 ( PGE_2 ) suppository-propess used for induction of term pregnancy .

  5. 普贝生用于足月妊娠引产80例效果观察及护理

    Clinical observation on the effect of Propess for induced labor of 80 cases of full-term pregnancy and nursing care

  6. 普贝生用于足月妊娠可疑羊水过少引产的临床观察

    Clinical Efficacy Observation between Propess and Oxytocin in Term Induced Labor Use of Propess for Full-term Induced Labor due to Suspicious Oligohydramnios

  7. 普贝生促足月妊娠宫颈成熟及引产的临床观察

    Clinical observation on the clinical efficacy and safety of prostaglandin E2 suppository in promoting cervix mature in term pregnancy and labor induction

  8. 普贝生配合催产素与单一催产素用于足月妊娠引产的临床比较剖宫产术中静注不同剂量催产素对产妇的影响

    Clinical Efficacy Observation between Propess and Oxytocin in Term Induced Labor The effect of different dosage of intravenous Oxytocin on parturient during elective cesarean delivery

  9. 普贝生配合水囊用于中晚期妊娠引产效果观察米非司酮辅助利凡诺中期妊娠引产临床观察

    Effect of profess assisted with water bag on labor induction in second and third trimester Clinical observation of mifepristone combined with rivanol in induction of labor in mid-pregnancy