
  • 网络induction of labor with water bag
  1. 高危孕妇低位水囊引产220例观察

    The observation of low induction of labor with water bag of 220 cases of high risk pregnant women

  2. 【方法】采用无血清培养和单细胞克隆技术,从32周自愿水囊引产人胎脑纹状体中分离出神经干细胞,并进行培养、传代、分化观察。

    【 Methods 】 Human fetal striaturn at embryonic aged 32 weeks with induction of labor with water bag were collected and cultured with serum free medium and single cell clone technique . The cells from a clone were cultured , passed and differentiated .

  3. 方法:分离培养水囊引产4~5个月龄胎儿来源的骨髓MSC和脐血CD34+造血干/祖细胞(HSC),作为供体细胞。

    Methods : Human bone marrow derived MSC and HSC were used as the donor .

  4. 报告应用神经生长因子(NGF)治疗31例脑外伤疗效观察结果。NGF由水囊引产的人胎脑中提取,制成2ml安瓿注射液肌肉注射。

    This paper reported 31 cases with brain traums treated by Nerve Growth Factor ( NGF ), among them 26 cases were recovered .

  5. 方法:选取经水囊引产死后6h内的新鲜胎儿36例,胎龄4月~9月。

    Methods : 36 foetus who had died of induction of labor with water bag in 6 hours about 4 to 9 months old were studied .

  6. 水囊引产的胎儿四肢骨的骨髓源性的MSC进行分选、扩增、验证。

    Myelogenic MSC in the bones of fetal mouse limbs retrieved through the induction of labor through artificial rupture of membranes were sorted by FACS and amplified in vitro .

  7. 方法取20~28周妊娠水囊引产的胎儿卵巢,将其切成碎块进行一般培养液直接培养(A组)及加羊膜细胞培养液培养(B组)。

    Methods Got the fetus ovary inducted of labor with water bag during 20 to 28 weeks pregnancy . Cut them into broken bits , then practiced direct cultivation ( group A ) and adding amniotic membrane cell culture medium cultivation ( group B ) .

  8. 从健康孕妇水囊引产4&6个月龄的胎儿取肝,采用LaBrecque方法提取人肝刺激因子(hHSS)。

    Human hepatic stimulator substance ( hHSS ) was extracted from the liver of 4 ─ 6 month fetus from healthy pregnant women according to the method of LaBrecque .

  9. 低位水囊引产用于足月妊娠的疗效观察

    Observation on low position induction with water bag in full term pregnancy

  10. 方法水囊引产胎儿的软骨细胞体外单层培养。

    Methods Chondrocytes which were obtained from aborted fetal were cultured in vitro .

  11. 米非司酮联合水囊引产及联合利凡诺引产的作用

    Effects of Mifepristone Combined with Labour Induction with Water Bag and Rivanol Induced Abortion

  12. 目的:观察187例口服米非司酮联合水囊引产及联合利凡诺引产的临床疗效。

    Abortifacient effects of mifepristone combined with water bag and rivanol were observed in 187 cases .

  13. 本文借助电子显微镜技术对4月胎龄组及6月胎龄组水囊引产胎儿海马中段部位的凋亡神经元超微结构进行观察、拍照,并对结果进行了分析讨论。

    Apoptotic neurons of the mid-hippocampus of human fetal of 4 months and 6 months were observed under electron-microscope .

  14. 水囊引产经济可靠,临床上正逐步取代传统的催产素静滴引产。

    While water balloon device is economical and reliable , the intravenous oxytocin drip is being replaced by the other methods .

  15. 方法取5个月龄水囊引产胚胎的下丘脑和垂体组织进行培养,并收集其条件培养基。

    Methods The hypothalamic and pituitary tissues from freshly aborted 5-month human fetuses were taken for cellular culture and the condition medium was collected .

  16. 水囊引产的蜕膜亦呈现退行性变,此与水囊造成长时的机械压迫导致细胞坏死有关;

    The same changes were also observed in the decidua from the induction with water-cyst , which produces a prolonged mechanical pressure and causes necrosis of cells .

  17. 取5个月龄水囊引产胚胎的完整下丘脑和垂体组织分别进行细胞培养,并按下丘脑、垂体和下丘脑+垂体3组收集条件培养基。

    Methods The hypothalamic and pituitary tissue from freshly aborted 5-month human fetuses were taken for cellular culture and the condition media were collected respectively according to hypothalamus , pituitary and hypothalamus + pituitary groups .

  18. 方法:取16例20~28周和11例>28周中期妊娠水囊引产的胎儿卵巢,经直接培养及加胎儿胰腺条件培养液组织培养后,观察培养前后的组织学变化。

    Methods : 27 fetal ovaries from the water cyst induced labor in the second and third trimester of pregnancy were cultured with and without condition culture medium of human fetal pancrease to observe the morphologic development .

  19. 方法:对1999年11月至2000年11月应用低位小水囊引产162例进行研究分析。

    Methods : By investigating and analyzing the 162 cases of full-term pregnancy induced labour by using low small water pockets during the period from November , 1999 to November , 2000 . Results : Effective rate : 100 percent .

  20. 采用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇(简称米索)中期引产107例并与利凡诺引产111例、水囊引产63例进行对比分析。

    Mifepristone combined misoprostol ( MM ) were adopted in induced labor in 107 cases of second pregnancy trimester These cases were analysed and compared with 111 cases of rivanol induced labor and 63 cases of water bag induced labor in the same pregnancy stage .

  21. 方法:收集13例水囊引产胎儿(20~38孕周)的卵巢组织,其中孕中期(20~28孕周)7例、孕晚期(29-38孕周)6例。

    Methods : Ovarian tissues from 13 fetuses ( aged 20 - 38 weeks ) were obtained after induction by insertion of water sac , including 7 fetuses of midpregnancy ( aged 20 - 28 weeks ) and 6 fetuses of late pregnancy ( aged 29 - 38 weeks ) .