
  • 网络hydrogeological drilling;hydrogeology drilling;hydrogeologic drilling
  1. 结合水电工程勘查及水文地质钻探获取得的地下水文地质信息,查明了水电站水幕廊道和气垫调压室渗水的地下水类型和渗漏途径,为调压室的进一步灌浆处理提供了依据。

    Combined with hydrogeological information gained by exploration and hydrographical drilling , groundwater types and leakage ways under the water curtain corridor and Air-Cushioned Surge Chamber are found out , which provide the grouting engineering with more effective treatment .

  2. 本文从现有的地质、物化探、水文地质及钻探资料出发,对漳州热田成因模式进行了初步探讨。

    This paper deals with the preliminarily thermogenetic model of Zhangzhou geothermal field according to available geological , geophysical , geo-chemical , hydrologic and drill data .