
  • 网络high skilled migrant;high skilled
  1. 英国政府将关闭允许任何人申请到英国工作的所谓高技术移民(tier1(general))签证,作为2.17万个签证配额的一部分,每年将只接纳1000名“特别有才干”的个人。

    The government is closing the so-called tier 1 ( general ) route that allowed anyone to apply to work in the UK , except that 1000 " exceptionally talented " individuals will be admitted each year as part of the 21700 cap .

  2. 最近通过的7870亿美元经济刺激法案意味着,凡是接受政府问题资产救助计划(Tarp)的金融机构,若近期刚裁减了美国员工,就不能为高技术移民申请H1-B签证。

    The recently passed $ 787bn stimulus bill in effect prevents financial institutions that have received money from the government 's troubled asset relief programme from applying for H1-B visas for highly skilled immigrants if they have recently made US workers redundant .

  3. 当务之急是排除人才流动的障碍:就连美国都仍限制高技术移民的人境人数,日本和许多欧洲国家的情况更糟糕。

    Removing barriers is a priority : even America still rations the number of highly skilled immigrants it lets in , and Japan and many European countries do far worse .

  4. 关于移民改革的大多数公众讨论集中在非法移民和高技术移民对美国的就业和收入的潜在影响之上。

    Most of the public discussion on immigration reform has focused on the issue of undocumented immigrants living in the US and the potential consequences of highly-skilled immigrations on jobs and wages of Americans .

  5. 自经济危机以来,瑞典开放了移民通道,移民的数量上升了30%。但是他说,尽管法国抵制家庭移民,将非法移民遣送回国,而高技术的移民入境则更加容易。

    Sweden has opened immigration channels since the economic crisis and the numbers of immigrants have jumped 30 percent .

  6. 同时,从取消对高技术人才移民的限制到减少过于严格的土地使用限制,进一步削弱目前影响企业合作的种种限制也会增加一国的创新力。

    Bigger efforts to remove remaining barriers to collaboration , from limitations on high-skilled immigration to excessively rigid land-use rules , should also help .

  7. 众所周知,美国是个移民国家,是那些科学家以及其他高技术专业人员移民的首选目的地。

    The United States has always been known as a nation of immigrants and a top destination for scientists and other highly skilled professionals .

  8. 我和同事们采用了叫领英网的职业社交网站上的数据集,分析了拥有学士学位或更高学位的高技术人才近期的移民趋势。

    Colleagues and I analyzed recent trends in international migration of highly skilled workers – those with bachelor 's degrees or higher – using a data set of unprecedented detail , extracted from LinkedIn , the social networking website for professionals .