
  1. 对中国高校营销管理的理性思考

    Rational Thought on Marketing Management Of Chinese Universities

  2. 第五章论述了我国高校营销战略中的目标市场和定位问题,他们是营销战略制定和展开的起点。

    Chapter 5 , " The Target Market and Positioning of Marketing Strategies of Chinese College ", divides into 2 sections .

  3. 国际营养学协会委员会从美国招生营销理念论我国高校营销策略

    International Committee of Dietetic Associations Studying on Chinese High School 's Marketing Managing Strategy Based on Recruit Student Marketing Moral in American

  4. 高校营销在产品属性、营销目标、服务对象、受公众监督程度等方面呈现出与企业营销不同的特征。

    Marketing in colleges and universities is quite different from that in enterprises in nature of products , marketing objects , service objects and supervising procedure .

  5. 尽管品牌大使对于高校营销圈来说不再是什么新鲜事了,但社交媒体正在改变着这些校园代理们与他们同龄人之间的交流方式以及他们传播信息的有效程度。

    Though the brand ambassador is no stranger to the college marketing scene , social media are changing how these representatives interact with their peers and how effectively their message is communicated .

  6. 本文从市场营销发展的视角提出中国高等院校需要开展市场营销,并运用市场营销理论分析目前高校营销的现状及存在的问题,提出了高校加强市场营销管理的对策措施。

    From the angle of marketing development , this paper proposes that universities and colleges in China should employ marketing theory to analyze the current situation of marketing in universities and colleges and the existing problems . Then it puts forward the countermeasures for universities to strengthen management on marketing .

  7. 但是随着新技术的不断发展与我国加入WTO后出版物市场的逐步放开,高校教材营销也面临着一些新问题甚至是新挑战。

    As new technology developed and the publication market was opened after China joined WTO , however , the marketing of higher education textbooks is facing new problems and even new challenges .

  8. 第五章是高校的营销战术研究,这里运用了服务营销的7Ps战术进行了研究。

    The marketing tactics of universities is involved in the fifth chapter , in which the 7-ps tactics of service marketing is utilized for research .

  9. 高校市场营销专业实践性教学方式新探

    New Exploration on Practical Teaching Method for the Major of Marketing in Colleges

  10. 对高校市场营销专业人才培养的几点思考

    Reflections on the Education of Students of Marketing Major in Colleges and Universities

  11. 第五章为高校内部营销策略组合。

    Chapter V , strategy of internal marketing mix .

  12. 高校教材营销研究

    A Study on the Marketing of Higher Education Textbooks

  13. 高校市场营销专业人才能力结构与培养途径

    Structure of HEIs ' Talent Capabilities Majored in Marketing and their Cultivation Ways

  14. 高校服务营销的策略

    The Strategy of University Service Marketing

  15. 本文的高校内部营销研究是把内部营销理论应用于高校人力资源管理的研究。

    Internal marketing study of universities and colleges in the paper is to apply the internal marketing theories in the study of human resource management in universities and colleges .

  16. 在这种背景下,对高校教材营销的现状、新环境、过程与策略、发展趋势等进行研究是很有必要的。

    On this background , it is of great necessity to research the present status , new circumstances , process , strategies and trends of higher education textbook marketing .

  17. 通过理论推断与实证检验,我们认为,案例教学+模块化+计算机辅助技术教学模式不失为当前高校市场营销专业一种可行的目标教学模式选择。

    With theoretical inference and empirical test , we think that one of the target modes of teaching will be the teaching mode of " case teaching plus modularization plus computer-aided technology " .

  18. 当前普通高校现代营销专业的实践教学领域存在着诸多问题,例如学生的学习和实践的内容重复狭窄、机会不均等、不能深入实践等,而基于实验室的模拟教学具有良好的教学价值。

    Currently many problems exist in traditional Marketing Practice Teaching Practise in college , such as contents for practiced are repeated and limited , opportunities are inequal , students cannot take into practice area deeply , and so on .

  19. 通过回顾国内外学者对民办高校服务营销的内涵、策略,民办高校品牌资产定义、维度,及营销策略对品牌资产影响等方面的文献,指出现有研究存在的不足及本文所探索的方向。

    Through the review of the domestic and foreign scholars ' literature on the connotation and strategy of private universities service marketing , the definition and dimensions of private universities brand equity , and marketing strategies ' influence on brand equity .

  20. 本文以营销人才培养能力的标准为切入点,分析了高校市场营销人才培养中存在的诸多问题,进而提出了营销人才培养的措施。

    This essay takes the standard of the marketing personnel training on their abilities as a breakthrough point , has analyzed many problems which exist in the university marketing personnel training , and proposed the new standard on the marketing talented persons ' abilities and the new measures on training .

  21. 基于我国高校的市场营销策略分析

    The Analysis of Marketing Strategy Based on High-school in Our Country

  22. 高校体育赛事营销市场前景分析

    Analysis of the Prospect of Sports Match Marketing in Colleges and Universities

  23. 高校图书馆服务营销之研讨

    A discussion of the service marketing of libraries in college

  24. 高校图书馆服务营销的实证调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Service Marketing in University Libraries

  25. 略论民办高校的市场营销策略

    On the Marketing Strategy of Private Colleges & Universities

  26. 我国体育产业日益蓬勃的发展既为高校体育市场营销专业发展提供了机遇,也提出了严峻的挑战。

    The increasingly vigorous development of Chinese sports industry offers opportunity for the development of sports marketing specialties in universities , as well as brings forward the grim challenge .

  27. 本文在借鉴大量文献资料基础上,对高校开展教育营销策略的理论探讨自市场营销的应用范围涵盖着高校这一非营利性组织和高校经营管理引入市场营销观念的必要性两方面加以阐述。

    This thesis considers that marketing theory could be used in university , which belongs to nonprofit organization . It is also very necessary to use it in this scope .

  28. 文章以价值营销理论和流程再造理论为指导,首先,分析了高校图书馆价值营销和价值营销流程再造的基本概念;

    According to value marketing theory and Business Process Reengineering theory , In the paper , firstly we analyze the basic conception of the university library value marketing and Business Process Reengineering ;

  29. 以营销理论来衡量,高校的人才营销观念有错位,营销体系还不健全,人才供求市场的信息不对称,缺乏灵活的营销策略。

    With the marketing theory , college of talents to measure the marketing concept has dislocation , marketing system is not perfect , the talent supply and demand market information asymmetry , lack of flexible marketing strategy .

  30. 该文旨在通过研究市场营销原理与策略,引导民办高校确立市场营销理念,制定相应的营销策略,使民办高等教育更好地为社会发展服务。

    This article will get across to study market elements and strategy , lead run by the local people university establishment marketing mind , establish marketing strategy , let run by the local people higher education better service for society develop .