
  • 网络Business development
  1. CampbellSoup公司的副总裁兼创新与商务拓展事务总经理达伦?塞劳(DarrenSerrao)说,平日里每晚的晚饭“有些像‘土拨鼠日’。你解决了问题,第二天你又要接着考虑它,这加剧了压力”。

    Weeknight dinner is ' a bit like Groundhog Day . You solve for it and then you think about it again the next day . That amplifies the stress , ' says Darren Serrao , vice president and general manager of innovation and business development for Campbell Soup Co.

  2. 他把现在的诺基亚诠释为互联网企业,“我们开始正在把我们的商务拓展从硬件转向服务和软件”。

    We have begun expanding our business beyond hardware to include services and software .

  3. 本土文化对温州商人跨文化商务拓展的制约及对策

    The Barrier of Local Culture to Wenzhou Businessmen in Their Cross-cultural Business Expansion and its Countermeasures

  4. 电子商务拓展了国际贸易的空间和场所,缩短了国际贸易的距离和时间,推动着全球经济的迅猛发展。

    Electronic business expands the space and the place of international trade , shortens the distance and the time of international trade , and pushes forward the rapid developments of global economy .

  5. 网络商务技术拓展研究

    Network Business Expanding of Technique Research

  6. 为促进城市蔬菜业配送向社会化、现代化发展,必须加强城市舆论导向,建立统一的社会流通管理体系,发展电子商务,拓展蔬菜配送的外延和内涵,营造良好的发展环境。

    To socialize and modernize vegetable delivering , we must extend public opinion , build compatible societal circulate management system , develop EC , broaden vegetable delivering 's intension and extension , create good development environment .

  7. 采用电子商务平台拓展企业的业务流程是重要一环,其实施效果己在部分世界级企业的应用中得到检验。

    It is an important step introducing the plat of economic commerce to develop the operating flow of the enterprise . The effect of economic commerce as a key circle have been proved in application of some world-class enterprise .

  8. 企业可以通过电子商务平台拓展自己的业务,宣传自己的商品,增加盈利水平;用户可以在足不出户的情况下,只要点击鼠标,就能购买到自己所需的产品和服务。

    Enterprises can expand their business with e-commerce platform to promote their products and increase profitability ; users can stay at home situation , as long as the click of a mouse , they can buy the products and services they need .

  9. 信息安全风险对移动商务的市场拓展具有负面作用。

    The information security risk makes negative effect on the expanding of m-commerce market .

  10. 然而目前鲜有集聚理论在电子商务领域的拓展研究。

    However , there are few researches using the theory of cluster in the field of e-commerce .

  11. 公司多次成功接待不同规模的会议、商务考察、拓展培训及团队旅游活动。

    We have successfully organized a wide range of events , including conferences , business investigating tours , outward bound activities and group tours .

  12. 最后作者对整个大连电信电子商务系统的拓展性和开放性进行了设计,并为以后系统的扩容和改进提供了预留空间。

    At the end of the whole designing procedure , the author designs the expansibility and opening of overall Dalian Telecom E-business System , and it sets an inter-space for the further expanding and improving of the system .

  13. 随着经济全球化地快速发展,越来越多的商务人士走出国门拓展业务,然而在其出差过程中,移动通信国际漫游费用过高的问题始终困扰着他们。

    With the rapid development of economic globalization , more and more business men choose to go abroad for their business extension . However , when they are on business , they are faced with the high cost of international roaming charges .

  14. 商务级:将在典型的商务环境中加强商务用词的拓展,内容涉及:商务会议、谈判、面试、以及客户服务、生产、市场、金融等等。

    Business : In a typical business environment , the content may relate to business meetings , negotiations , interviews , and customer service , production , marketing , finance and so on .

  15. 正因为这样,关于本文研究菜虫网生鲜农产品电子商务平台营销模式优化则变得特别有意义,从农产品流通创新模式到农产品电子商务营销拓展都具有较大商业参考价值。

    Because of this , this paper studies about food insect net fresh agricultural e-commerce platform marketing mode optimization is particularly significant , from the circulation of agricultural products , agricultural products innovation mode to e-commerce marketing development has great reference value to the business .