
  • 网络Commercial building;business building
  1. 新华联商业大厦预应力工程技术要点分析

    Analysis on the Technical Points of the Prestress Engineering of New Hualian Commercial Building

  2. 适用于制药、医院、食品、半导体电子、商业大厦、精密机械等行业。

    Applied to pharmacy , hospital , semiconductor , commercial building , precision mechanism , etc.

  3. 从某种意义上说,只有少数新建商业大厦可以融到资金的情况其实并不重要。

    In one sense , the fact that few new commercial buildings can be financed does not matter

  4. 许多商业大厦在Scarsdale,譬如Harwood法院(被显示以上),特点村庄一次仿制伊丽莎白女王的半木料半灰泥的出现。

    Many of the commercial buildings in the villages of Scarsdale , such as Harwood Court ( shown above ), feature an imitation Elizabethan half-timbered appearance .

  5. 旺角中心是一幢优质商业大厦。

    Also , Mong Kok Center is a high quality office building .

  6. 而新型的工业大厦比较近似商业大厦。

    I know the new industrial buildings are similar to commercial buildings .

  7. 几家银行已经在商业大厦设置了自动出纳机。

    Several banks have already installed ATMs in commercial complexes .

  8. 锦州商业大厦宾馆基础设计总结

    A General Review on Design of Main Foundation of JinZhou Commercial Hotel

  9. 比较尖沙咀区其他商业大厦

    Compared to other office buildings in Tsim Sha Tsui

  10. 广州33层珠江商业大厦设计

    The Design of 33 Storey Business Building , Guangzhou

  11. 它的内部装修和设计近似商业大厦。

    The layout of the property is clear and it is similar to commercial buildings .

  12. 斯科特最初打算把这些灯用于商业大厦或飞机上。

    Scott initially intended for the lamps to be used in commercial buildings or aircraft .

  13. 意外发生于一个正在兴建一幢多层商业大厦的建筑地盘。

    The accident took place on a site where a multi-storey commercial building was under construction .

  14. 好心人你能告诉我到商业大厦怎么走吗?

    Would you be kind enough to tell me the right way to the Commercial Building ?

  15. 广宁商业大厦拆除爆破

    Blast demolition of Guangning Mercantile Building

  16. 我们也供应不同种类的防太阳薄膜,适合安装于商业大厦、办公室及住家等等。

    We also supply variety of tinted solar film for all types of vehicle , commercial and resident buildings .

  17. 在油麻地,一块一平方米的玻璃自一座商业大厦脱落,跌在一辆车上。

    A 1-square-metre piece of gla dro ed from a commercial building in Yau Ma Tei onto a car .

  18. 为防止碎裂,玻璃板的材质与商业大厦的钢化玻璃相同。

    To protect them from breaking , the plates are made from the same tempered glass used in commercial buildings .

  19. 高等法院驳回一名商业大厦前经理推翻其判刑及定罪的上诉。

    The high court dismissed the appeal by a former manager of a commercial building against his sentence and conviction .

  20. 无论如何,我想比较附近其他的商业大厦,你可否帮我的忙?

    Anyway , I would like to compare some other commercial buildings near this location . Can you help me ?

  21. 当人们对某些商业大厦预计将产生积极的,他们可能抢购这些商业大楼。

    When people of certain commercial buildings is expected to have a positive , they may rush to buy these commercial buildings .

  22. 海防道和北京道是区内主要的行人走廊,将广东道与弥敦道一带的商业大厦连接起来。

    Haiphong Road and Peking Road are the principle pedestrian corridors , which link the commercial developments along Canton Road to Nathan road .

  23. 总公司下设五个分公司、三厂、四矿、一个商业大厦、一处农副产品基地。

    The Corporation compose five subsidiaries , three factories , four mines , one business building and one agricultural and sideline products base .

  24. 房地产商品的种类也向着多元化的方向发展,住宅、商业大厦、公共设施的建设共同开展。

    The variety of goods on real estate developed to diverse directions too , and residential , commercial buildings , public facilities developed jointly .

  25. 为缓解停车难的问题,目前各政府机关、商业大厦、住宅小区等地均建立了数量可观的地下停车场。

    To alleviate parking problems , various government agencies , commercial buildings , residential areas and other places have established a considerable amount of underground parking .

  26. 无论是何种的设计方案是关于商业大厦,住宅,等,我们可以支持你做出一个成功的演示。

    No matter what the the design solution is about-commercial buildings , residential houses , churches , etc. , we can support you to make a successful presentation .

  27. 廉政公署拘捕十七名人士,包括六名水务署职员,怀疑他们在处理住宅及商业大厦水表申请时涉嫌贪污。

    Seventeen persons , including six staff members of the water supplies department , had been arrested for alleged bribery in relation to applications for water meters at residential and commercial buildings .

  28. 初期从小心翼翼尝试着住宅小区的专业管理很快推广到商业大厦、大型购物中心、公寓别墅,并正在向福利房、直管房、单位自管房等领域全面渗透。

    Property management has been promoted carefully from small area residence to business mansion , large shopping mall , apartment , villa and then penetrate completely to welfare building , unit building , etc.

  29. 几周前的一天,在芝加哥历史悠久的商业市场大厦18楼,我和其他几十位记者焦急等待着摩托罗拉(Motorola)新品发布会开幕。

    A few weeks ago I found myself on the eighteenth floor of the historic Merchandise Mart building in downtown Chicago , surrounded by dozens of anxious journalists awaiting a press conference for Motorola 's new phone .

  30. 目前欧洲最高的建筑物是位于法兰克福的高260米的商业银行大厦。

    Currently the tallest building in Europe is Frankfurt's260-metre Commerzbank tower .