
  1. 韩国成为CDMA领先市场的关键因素分析

    Analysis on the Key Factors of Lead Market of CDMA in Korea

  2. 10月份,苹果发布了iPadAir,这是其领先市场的平板电脑的最新款,更薄、更轻,但功能更强大。

    Announced in October , the iPad Air is a thinner , lighter but souped-up version of its market-leading tablet computer .

  3. 过去LED封装产业由日本所主导,技术领先市场,然而在台湾LED封装产业急起直追之下,成长率已经远胜日本。

    In the past , Japan with its market-leading technology , has dominated the LED packaging industry . However , Taiwan 's packaging industry has caught up , and its growth has far overtaken Japan .

  4. Beise提出了领先市场模型并对此进行了解释。

    Beise explains these phenomena by raising the concept of lead markets .

  5. Informix因急于进行一系列壮观的收购和领先市场需求的产品扩张而导致其在2001年被有效解散,一个收购的数据集成组接管了该公司,公司的数据库资产归IBM所有。

    Informix overreached with a series of spectacular acquisitions and product expansions ahead of market requirements that led , by 2001 , to its effective dismantling , an acquired data integration group taking over the firm , and the database assets of the company going to IBM .

  6. 领先市场:分析国家竞争优势的新视角

    Lead markets : a new perspective for analyzing the Competitive Advantage of Nations

  7. 合并讨论突显了全球金融危机的深远影响,这场危机已影响到领先市场的保险公司。

    The discussions highlight the far-reaching impact of the global financial crisis , which has undermined insurance companies throughout leading markets .

  8. 我们在设计中为客户推荐适合他们产品的新材料,新工艺,使其成为领先市场的优秀设计。

    We recommend suiting the new material of their products for the customer in the design , new craft , make it become outstanding design which leads the market .

  9. 根据联合国粮农组织的数据,中国的牡蛎和贻贝消费量每年增长20%,这使得中国成为较昂贵贝类海鲜的领先市场之一,也使得其他地方的供应趋紧。

    Oyster and mussel consumption is growing at 20 per cent a year in the country , according to the FAO , making China a leading market for more expensive shellfish and tightening supply elsewhere .

  10. 信息的价值就在于它是商家们领先市场,抢占先机的基础,是决策者们分析市场,提出方案的依据,没有人能够忽视信息的力量。

    The value of information is that it is the foundation for enterprises to become a market-leader and to seize the business opportunities . Also it is the basis for decision-makers to analyze the market situation and make a decision .

  11. 为了有效实施积极均衡发展战略,公司可以采取城乡市场协调发展的策略、以市场为导向的产品策略、一体化的销售渠道策略、客户满意的服务策略和领先市场的品牌策略等。

    In order to fully implement a balanced development strategy , life insurers should coordinate their growth in rural and urban markets , adopt a market-oriented product policy , a sales channel integration policy , a customer satisfaction-focused service policy and a market leadership branding policy .

  12. 近半个世纪以来,B局在铁路、桥梁建筑业领域,一直保持着领先的市场地位。

    Company B has maintained a leading position in the field of railway and bridge construction in nearly half a century .

  13. 公司现以强劲的发展势头、领先的市场意识、高效严谨的ISO管理体系飞速发展。

    Company presently by strong development tendency , leading market consciousness , highly effective rigorous ISO management system rapid development .

  14. 系统具有领先于市场上同类产品的创新之处:主从数据库的热备份和用虚拟地址池实现绑定客户端IP的功能。

    The system has the creative point that leads the internet market , hot database backup between master and slave and binding with customer IP , is described in the article .

  15. Android操作系统是Google公司开发的开源的智能多用途操作系统,目前广泛应用在手机上面,并且在全球占有领先的市场份额。

    Android is a multi-purpose open source intelligence operating system , which is developed by Google , have widely used in mobile phone , and dominant the global market share .

  16. 顾客领先与市场定位:战略与平衡

    Customer-led and Market-oriented : A Balance of Marketing Strategy

  17. 库柏这个名字在业内意味着卓越生产和领先的市场品牌。

    The Cooper Industries name is synonymous with manufacturing excellence and market-leading products .

  18. 该公司在廉价计算机方面领先于市场

    The company lead the market in cheap computer

  19. 欧洲市场的新品上市速度领先亚洲市场,更好地完善售后服务系统,提高产品下载速度。

    New markets in Europe , a leading Asian markets market faster , better after-sales service system to improve , enhance product download speed .

  20. 全球领先的市场信息公司欧睿信息咨询公司称,中国的中产阶层将在2020年时达到7亿人。

    The Chinese middle-class is expected to be700 million strong by2020 , according to a survey by Euromonitor International , a leading independent provider of business intelligence .

  21. 公司坚持“靠精湛技术领先赢得市场、以优质服务回报客户”的经营理念,始终为客户保密。

    Our company adhere to the business philosophy of " win the market by superb technology , offer customers quality services in return " keep confidentiality to clients .

  22. 航空运输全球化使航空公司更加注重自身的收益管理,努力发挥收益最大化优势,从而创造独特的竞争能力和领先的市场地位。

    Globalization of aviation transportation makes aviation enterprise pay more attention to revenue management . Aviation enterprises committed to realizing maximum profit and creating unique competition advantage and leading market position .

  23. 中国正在发展成为一个领先的市场,它的成长潜力远远超过了其它许多市场,因此,很多公司和产业专注于中国市场。

    Sedrick : Yes China is emerging as a premier market and many companies and industries are focusing on the China market as the growth potential here is far exceeding the potential of many other markets .

  24. 另外,在网络型产业中,领先进入市场的厂商将会占领较大的市场份额,并利用对市场的控制能力,阻止后入者的发展。

    In addition , in the network industry , the firm who entered the market earlier will take a larger market share , and prevent those entered later from developing using its controlling ability of the market .

  25. 在此基础上,提出了湖北联通近期内要达到的三个战略目标:技术、服务、品牌全面领先、市场占有率达到40%、创建世界一流品牌。

    Based on this analysis , three strategy goals have been set to achieve – leading in technology , services and brand , achieving a share of 40 % of the market , and establishing a global first-class brand .

  26. 大宗商品和石油价格下跌,打击了一些关键新兴市场国家(如巴西和俄罗斯)的出口收入,而强势美元加剧了几个领先新兴市场(包括中国、泰国、马来西亚和韩国)的资本外流。

    The decline in commodity and oil prices has hit export revenues of some key EM countries such as Brazil and Russia , while the strong dollar has exacerbated outflows of capital from several leading EMs , including China , Thailand , Malaysia and South Korea .

  27. 去年,英杰华以9.25亿澳元的价格将其澳大利亚寿险与财富管理业务出售给了澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank),以便集中力量拓展自己可以获得领先份额的市场。

    Aviva sold its Australian life and wealth management businesses to National Australia Bank last year for A $ 925m to concentrate on markets where it could build a leading market share .

  28. 伊藤忠――黄帽子(中国)有限公司(CYH)就是领先进入中国市场的国际性大公司之一。

    CYH Co. LTD is one of the leader corporations which enter China market .

  29. 汇丰(HSBC)驻香港的中国市场资深策略师StevenSun表示:你可以看到,随着中国经济实力不断上升,(以人民币计价的)A股市场注定要成为亚洲领先的证券市场。

    Steven Sun , senior China strategist at HSBC in Hong Kong , said : You can see that with the rising economic power of China , the [ domestic currency ] A share market is destined to be the leading stock exchange in Asia .

  30. 为了降低由此而来的产品开发的不确定性,企业需要将NPD贯穿于整个产品生命周期,利用领先用户的市场领先优势来引导普通用户的消费行为。

    In order to reduce the uncertainty of product development , enterprises need to make NPD preced throughout the product life cycle and make use of lead users ' market leading position to guide common users ' consumption behavior .