
  • 网络leader;The Leaders;Leading Figure
  1. 队中需要的是一位在一定程度上能激励他们的领军人物。

    What the team need is a leader who will somehow galvanise them .

  2. 福克斯新闻频道(foxnews)现在正成为美国有线新闻的市场领军人物,这导致名气更大的cnn使用了更多观点鲜明的主持人。

    Fox News is now the market leader in cable news in the US , prompting the longer-established CNN to have more opinionated anchors .

  3. 克劳斯教授已成为学院艺术批评界的领军人物。

    Professor Krauss has been a moving force in the world of academic art criticism .

  4. 詹姆斯布林德利是公认的早期运河工程的领军人物之一。

    James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers .

  5. 数字健康产业的领军人物,比如曾在哈佛接受培训的医生、医疗设备发明者丹尼尔-卡夫预测说,今后“健康追踪狂热症”将非常普遍。

    Digital-health industry leaders such as Daniel Kraft , a Harvard-trained physician and medical-device inventor , predict that in the future , " trackaholism " will be the norm .

  6. 对于“双创人才”,北京将给予优惠政策,“双创人才”包括得一定规模创业投资的创业人才、投资团队以及投资公司,高新技术企业以及文化产业市场领军人物。

    Beijing will give priority to what it calls " innovative2 and entrepreneurial talent " , which includes startups with a certain level of investment , investors3 and investment companies , high-tech4 companies and market leaders in the cultural industry .

  7. 实验经济学的领军人物约翰李斯特(JohnList)最近进行了一项旨在揭示人们捐助动机的实验。

    John List , a leading light in the field of experimental economics , recently carried out an experiment designed to tease out some of the motives for giving .

  8. 《V.》是美国当代作家、黑色幽默小说领军人物托马斯·品钦的第一部小说。

    Is the first novel by Thomas Pynchon , a contemporary American writer and one of the leading figures of American Black Humor .

  9. 一直作为联盟里三分球领军人物的他,荣获过两次总冠军,10次入选NBA全明星阵容且在18个赛季中场均看下18.9分。

    The NBA 's all-time leader in 3-pointers made won two NBA championships , was a 10-time All-Star and averaged 18.9 points a game in 18 seasons .

  10. 法国作曲家、电子音乐领军人物让-米歇尔·雅尔与泄密者爱德华·斯诺登,携手打造了一支单曲《出口》。这首歌将被收录到雅尔即将发布的黑胶唱片《Electronica2:TheHeartofNoise》中。

    French composer Jean Michel Jarre and whistleblower Edward Snowden have collaborated on " Exit , " a track off the electronic music pioneer 's upcoming new LP Electronica 2 : The Heart of Noise .

  11. 香港制衣业的领军人物、TAL董事长李乃熺(HarryLee)表示,这家日本集团的成功要归功于其建立起了与客户之间的密切关系。

    Harry Lee , TAL chairman and a leading figure in the Hong Kong garment trade , says the Japanese group owes its success to the close relationship it builds with its customers .

  12. 自第一次世界大战时起,FWS已经成为了警报器生产行业中的领军人物。

    Since World War I , FWS has been the leading manufacturer of warning sirens .

  13. “(人工智能)有很多与人类不同的智能方式。”这是人工智能领域的领军人物帕特里克•温斯顿(PatrickWinston)说过的话。

    TThere are many ways of being smart that aren 't smart like us . " These are the words of Patrick Winston , a leading voice in the field of artificial intelligence .

  14. 罗伯逊是MP3.com网站的前任首席执行官,也是数字音乐领域的领军人物。

    On Tuesday Robertson , the former CEO of MP3 .

  15. 秘鲁美食行业蓬勃发展,身为领军人物的秘鲁大厨加斯顿•阿克瑞奥(GastónAcurio)曾在2006年受邀参加利马一所顶级大学的开学典礼,当时很多学者对此颇有微词。

    When Gast ó n Acurio , the Peruvian chef who has been leading his country 's culinary boom , was invited to open the academic year at Lima 's top university in 2006 , many academics grumbled .

  16. 美国的自由主义运动领军人物是罗恩保罗(ronpaul)提供了清晰的答案:废除几乎所有的政策创新,然后尽可能地回归19世纪末的资本主义。

    The libertarian movement in the US , whose standard-bearer is Ron Paul , is clear about the answer : abolish nearly all of these policy innovations and go back , as far as possible , to the capitalism of the late 19th century .

  17. 鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂是当代美声唱法(belcanto)的领军人物,他是20世纪最炽手可热的古典巨星,他将歌剧带给亿万普通观众,收获最热烈的拥护和爱戴。

    Luciano Pavarotti is the leader of contemporary bel canto and the most incandescent classical superstar of the 20th century . He let common audiences enjoy the opera and received the warmest support and love .

  18. 主厨安东尼奥·索里亚诺(AntonioSoriano)是新派阿根廷料理的领军人物,定期更换的菜单上列满了各式创意料理,最近更有血肠天妇罗(bloodsausagetempura)和牛舌沙拉。

    The chef Antonio Soriano is a leading light of the new school of Argentine cooking , and his oft-changing menu is packed with creative dishes , which recently included blood sausage tempura and a salad of beef tongue .

  19. 持续多日的婚礼在意大利南部的普利亚(Pulia)举行,参加婚礼的既有美国科技业和印度企业界的领军人物,也有好莱坞明星艾什顿•库彻(AshtonKutcher)和米拉•库妮丝(MilaKunis)。

    The multi-day affair in Puglia in southern Italy was attended by leaders in the American tech and Indian corporate worlds , as well as Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis .

  20. 二十世纪的头几十年,美国也出现了一个相对独立的传播学派,其领军人物是ClarkWissler和AlfredKroeber(二者皆为Boas学生)。

    A separate American diffusionist school of thought , led by Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber ( both students of Boas ), also arose in the first few decades of the twentieth century .

  21. 德伊法伊拉的医生AayedAlqahtani是倡导用激进手段解决该问题的领军人物。

    Daifailluh 's doctor , Aayed Alqahtani , is a leading advocate of a radical approach to the problem .

  22. Dunman是开发与运用阵列技术来研究微生物及探索开发抗生素的全新方法方面的领军人物。

    Dunman is a leader in the development and use of array technology to study microbes and explore fresh approaches to the development of antibiotics .

  23. 目前,Haiman是此领域的领军人物,他对象似性进行了详细系统的研究,推动此研究进入了一个新的阶段。

    As a leading figure in this issue , Haiman makes an elaborate and systematic study of iconicity and has brought the research into a new stage .

  24. 摩根士丹利分析师发现,高盛作为股票和固定收益、汇率和大宗商品(ficc)领域的行业领军人物,继续在一季度的整体收入方面排名首位。

    Morgan Stanley analysts found that Goldman continued to lead the pack in revenue overall in the first quarter as industry leader in equities and in fixed income , currencies and commodities ( ficc ) .

  25. 被认为是里奥纳多研究领军人物的MartinKemp教授说:如果你认为里奥纳多在某种程度上看出了她已经怀孕了,你就会猛然发现里奥纳多的视角原来是这样的。

    Professor Martin Kemp , widely regarded as the world 's leading authority on Leonardo , describes : If you think that Leonardo , in a sense , saw this inside her body , then you suddenly realise , wow , that is how Leonardo looked at it .

  26. 但在苏黎士某建筑工地度过了两年节衣缩食的生活后,瑞士有名的炼乳师及农家奶酪的领军人物罗尔夫比勒(rolfbeeler)费劲周折找到了他,怂恿他再次出山。

    But after a two-year stint on a building site in Zurich he was tracked down by Rolf Beeler , celebrated affineur and champion of Swiss farmhouse cheeses , who urged him to think again .

  27. 上周,备受争议的火箭前锋发表了对科比的批评,话语中暗示他甚至不如开拓者的领军人物布兰登-罗伊或者“一个从Queensbridge(位于纽约)来的家伙”出色。

    Last week , the controversial Houston forward appeared to diss Bryant , suggesting that he wasn 't even as good as Portland standout Brandon Roy , or " a guy from my hood from Queensbridge " .

  28. 梅耶尔在他的行业里已经是一位领军人物了。

    Clearly , Meyer was becoming a leader in his industry .

  29. 美食达人凯特正是最近流行的自己动手中的领军人物。

    Food blogger Kate is leading the latest wave of sweetie DIY .

  30. 胡适是新文化运动的领军人物。

    Hu Shi was the leader of New Culture Movement .