
  • 网络Behavioral Theories;behavior theories of Leadership;behavioral theories of leadership
  1. 1985年,Bass正式提出了交换型领导行为理论和变革型领导行为理论。

    In 1985 , Bass made a formal exchange of leadership behavior theory and transformational leadership theory .

  2. 领导行为理论及其有效性问题一直是组织行为学的一个研究热点。

    The theory of leader behavior and its effectiveness has been an hot spot of research in organization behavior .

  3. 第三部分为道家的领导行为理论,从管理者的角度来探讨道家管理伦理思想:组织的领导者在管理中要无为而治,在自身素养方面要做到上德若谷;

    The third part is talking about the Taoism theory of leadership behaviors , discussing Taoism management thought from the standpoint of manager , the leader of organization should use the " inaction " way in the administration and keep gracious morality ;

  4. 在对西方的领导行为复杂性理论(ExecutiveLeadershipBehavioralComplexityTheory)研究的基础上,提出了中国CEO的行为复杂性;

    Based on the research for the western literatures about behavioral complexity theory of executive leadership , the authors point out the behavioral complexity of CEOs in the Chinese context .

  5. 领导的行为模式理论

    Behavioral pattern theories of leadership

  6. 文章首先对传统的领导特质、领导行为、领导权变理论以及国内外在领导者的选择和培养等方面的研究成果和实践进行了简单的介绍。

    The article firstly introduces the traditional theories of leadership trait , leadership behavior and leadership contingency , then introuduces the domestic and oversea research and practice of leadership selection and training .

  7. 在文献述评部分,通过比较研究的方法重点探讨了国内外在校长领导特质、领导行为以及权变领导理论方面的异同。

    At the part of literature summarization , this research mainly discusses the similarities and differences about the leading particularities theory , the leading behavior theory and the leading power transformation theory in China and overseas by the compare .

  8. 转型领导理论是继领导特质理论、领导行为理论、领导权变理论后于20世纪80年代发展起来的新魅力领导理论。

    Transformational Leadership Theory appeared in 1980s as a kind of new charismatic leadership theory .

  9. 领导理论的研究成果可分为三个方面,即领导特性理论、领导行为理论和领导权变理论。

    The outcome of the theoretical leading research can be divided into three parts : leading theory on specialty , that on behavior and on power exchange .