
lǐnɡ xiān zhě
  • leader;front-runner;pacemaker
  1. 瓦贝尔的胜利绝没有因系列赛领先者汤姆·费希尔的缺阵而失色。

    Wabel 's victory was in no way devalued by the absence of series leader Tom Fisher .

  2. 他落后领先者2分。

    He is two points behind the leader .

  3. 她很快就落在领先者的后面。

    She soon fell behind the leaders .

  4. 还剩4圈的时候,他紧紧咬住领先者。

    With four laps to go , he kept pace with the leaders

  5. 总统选举中的两位领先者都不是主流政治家。

    Neither of the front-runners in the presidential election is a mainstream politician .

  6. Paul:WebsphereApplicationServer是市场的领先者,十多年的投资促进了无数次的革新。

    Paul : WebSphere Application Server is the market leader with over a decade of investments driving countless innovations .

  7. Power系统和AIX&2010年无可置疑的UNIX市场领先者

    Power Systems and AIX & The undisputed UNIX leader in2010

  8. 中国第二和第三大国有电信运营商的股价昨日大涨,原因是它们宣布将结成联盟与市场领先者中国移动(ChinaMobile)展开竞争。

    Shares in China 's second and third-largest state-owned telecom companies jumped yesterday on news of an alliance between them to take on market leader China Mobile .

  9. 毫无疑问,RedHat是近几年Linux市场上的领先者,对于大企业市场尤其如此。

    Unquestionably , Red Hat has been the Linux market leader through the years , particularly for big business .

  10. 虚拟触觉技术在手机方面的使用仍然处于萌芽阶段,三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)是这方面的领先者。

    The use of haptics in mobile phones is still in its infancy , with Samsung Electronics Co. leading the way .

  11. 三星是销量的领先者,自从去年推出第一款GalaxyGear之后,又发布了5款产品。

    Samsung is the leader by volume sales , having released five models since the first Galaxy Gear was unveiled a year ago .

  12. 但它在智能手机市场的份额不到5%,远远落后于领先者三星电子(SamsungElectronics)和苹果(Apple)。

    But it has less than 5 per cent of the smartphone market , trailing leaders Samsung Electronics and Apple by a wide margin .

  13. 在人工智能方面,百度被普遍认为拥有超出国内竞争者的优势,经常被认为是与IBM和谷歌水平相仿的领先者。

    In artificial intelligence Baidu is widely considered to have an edge over domestic competitors and is regularly rated on a par with IBM and Google .

  14. 她的任务还包括在性能敏感方面协助客户以及确保DB2在其他数据库管理系统中持续保持性能领先者地位。

    Her tasks also include assisting customers in performance-sensitive areas and ensuring that DB2 continues to be a performance leader among other Database Management Systems .

  15. ARM系列微处理器作为全球16/32位RISC处理器市场的领先者,在许多领域内得到了成功的应用。

    As the leader of 16 / 32-bit RISC Microcontroller in world market , ARM Series Microprocessor has been used successfully in many fields .

  16. 亚洲其它股市也有不错的涨幅,银行股和科技股得益于美国行业领先者高盛(goldmansachs)和英特尔(intel)令人鼓舞的盈利消息。

    There were healthy gains elsewhere in the region as banks and technology stocks benefited from encouraging earnings news from us bellwethers Goldman Sachs and Intel .

  17. 斯坦福大学心理学家KellyMcGonigal是新兴研究领域科学救助中的领先者。

    Stanford University psychologist Kelly McGonigal is a leader in the growing field of science-help .

  18. 威卡,压力与温度测量仪生产与销售的行业领先者,正在招幕一位OEM销售经理。

    WIKA , a worldwide leader in the manufacture and sale of pressure and temperature instruments , has an opening for an OEM Sales Manager .

  19. 市场领先者上汽集团(SAIC)仅在A股上市,而许多外国投资者都无法投资A股市场。

    The market leader , SAIC , is only listed in the A-share market , which is off-limits to many foreigners .

  20. 通过收购Skype,微软在移动市场的竞争力大为提升,并成为互联网语音和视频通信市场的显著领先者。

    By acquiring Skype , Microsoft becomes a much stronger player in mobile and the clear market leader in Internet voice and video communications .

  21. 另一款则是OneTouchVerioSyncMeter,研发商LifeScanInc.是血糖监测领域领先者强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)的旗下子公司。

    The other is the OneTouch VerioSync Meter and comes from LifeScan Inc. , a Johnson & Johnson company that is a leader in the glucose-monitoring business .

  22. 该公司表示,与云计算相关的产品及服务营收到年底将实现翻番。分析师们普遍认为,IBM将成为云计算领域的市场领先者。

    Revenue from products and services related to cloud computing , one of the areas that analysts are watching for IBM to emerge a market leader , will double by the end of the year , the company said .

  23. 技术变革的速度往往很快,诺基亚(nokia)在全球技术领先者地位方面的快速崛起和跌落就是一个例证。

    The speed of change in technology was often very fast as shown by the rapid rise and fall of Nokia , in terms of being seen as an global technology leader .

  24. 音乐流媒体行业领先者Spotify向路透表示,其在全球拥有逾2000万付费用户。

    Spotify , the industry leader , has more than 20 million paid subscribers worldwide , the company has told Reuters .

  25. 据无锡市政府9月10日的一份声明称,该市已成为大规模使用互联网协议第6版(IPv6)的国内领先者。

    Wuxi has become a domestic leader in putting the Internet Protocol version 6 ( IPv6 ) - based network into large-scale use , according to a statement by the municipal government on Sept 10 .

  26. 快速发展至今,目前的超级计算机的领先者是日本的Kei计算机(由Fujitsu构建)。

    Fast-forward to today , and the current supercomputer leader is the Japanese Kei computer ( built by Fujitsu ) .

  27. 据NPR新闻的丹·鲍勃科夫报道,今天,由NBC纽约4台、《华尔街日报》和玛丽斯特学院共同进行的民调显示,韦纳的支持率落后领先者9个百分点。

    NPR 's Dan Bobkoff reports an NBC 4 New York / Wall Street Journal / Marist poll out today shows Weiner 9 points behind the frontrunner .

  28. 阿姆斯特朗计划以此为基础,通过投资关键的小众领域,在两年内把aol建设成为在线内容的领先者。

    Mr Armstrong aims to build on this by investing in key niche areas to establish AOL as the leader in online content within two years .

  29. 当然鞋的舒适性和可选择性是不够的,SIDI更是制鞋技术的领先者。

    And as if fit was not enough , SIDI is a technology leader .

  30. 埃及文化部长、71岁的FaroukHosni于2007年宣布参选,他已经成为了领先者。

    S culture minister , Farouk Hosni , 71 , who declared his candidacy in2007 , had been the front-runner .